Are You A Regenerate Or A Degenerate?

Diane Cubitt
Lighthouse Videos
3 min readMay 13, 2022


“Every human has four endowments — self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change.” Stephen Covey

Image by Andrew Neel Pexels

Are you a wrong-un or a right-un?

There are two types of people in this world, those who are regenerate and those who are degenerate. To be a regenerate person, there is a desire to look inside, to reach into your soul and see what is there, what is holding us back. Looking inside is painful. M Scott Peck, author of the Road Less Travelled, speaks about his experience working with patients, those who are unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions because it would mean that they would have to admit where they are wrong, where they are a wrong-un.

I know this first hand, looking inside me and seeing areas of my life where I have made mistakes, told lies to myself and to others just so that I did not have to take responsibility for my actions. Minimising them so that I could justify them and then shift the blame onto someone else. To start to look inside starts us on the path of transitioning into where we can start to transform, start to make choices that are healthier and move away from those lies that we tell ourselves. That is what a regenerate person is. A degenerate on the other hand will not look inside, will not accept responsibility and will minimise, justify and shift the blame. They are more character-disordered in the way that everyone else is a wrong-un, but them.

What makes us uniquely human?

Stephen Covey, the highly acclaimed author of the 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, tells us about the four human endowments that we are each born with, gifts that differentiate us from any other living creature on this earth: Self Awareness, Conscience, Independent Will and Imagination. Four gifts that we have never been educated enough around to use properly. We may use one or two, but in order for them to be more effective, we need to bring in all four.

The fact that we are more aware of the working of our phones than we are of how we as human beings work, shows just how much we need to make choices that will help us to regenerate as human beings. We need to be able to bring in the four elements of a human being, in order for us to function as a human being ought. They are the Body, the Heart, the Mind and the Spirit. When we bring in all eight, the four human endowments and four elements of a human being, that is when we change from a degenerate to a regenerate.

In this video, Paul S. Waugh speaks out about what it means to be a regenerate.

If you have any questions or would like to speak more about this, please contact us via our website.

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Diane Cubitt
Lighthouse Videos

I became part of Lighthouse Global to develop and grow, to be a leader if myself and others through being mentored myself so that I can mentor others as well