Why Children Need Both a Mother and a Father

Diane Cubitt
Lighthouse Videos
2 min readDec 27, 2022


Pexels — Vlada Karpovich

“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.”
~Princess Diana

Growing up in a family where I was raised predominantly by my mother, although we had a step dad, he never took any notice of me or my two brothers unless it was for punishment. From the age of 11, when they got divorced, it was just my mum from there on in. There were definite consequences of not having a father figure around, mostly seen in my brothers who were consistently in trouble, never listening to mum. How it affected me, was in the area around being able to defend myself, stand up for myself, and so I was a prime target for bullies. I felt this imbalance and with hindsight can now see where more of the root problems were.

A report written in October 2021 showed that 76% of boys in prison came from a fatherless family. This is a significant number! Boys are more prone to being arrested due to not having a direct male model in their lives or they can even start to become more feminine, being called mummy’s boy. While on the other hand, young girls were prone to eating disorders, or self-esteem issues. This is not only a problem with fatherless households, the same can be said for an absentee mother, where it manifests in areas like social anxiety and commitment issues, in both boys and girls.

Matt Walsh, an American right-wing political commentator and author, said that a father cannot take the place of a mother and a mother of a father. You need a man and a woman to conceive a child, so why would you not expect to need both to raise a child? We are seeing the consequences of this breakdown of the family unit play out in humanity and society today.

Here is the video of Matt Walsh speaking about why a child needs a mother and a father.

At Lighthouse International we understand the importance of family, and why an upbringing is so crucial for a child’s development. In order to have the right upbringing, a child needs both parents, for each parent will teach their child discipline in different ways. I am talking about the discipline to achieve what they want in life, to work hard and to never give up.

Here is the full video of Matt Walsh

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Diane Cubitt
Lighthouse Videos

I became part of Lighthouse Global to develop and grow, to be a leader if myself and others through being mentored myself so that I can mentor others as well