Why do Trolls use Pseudonyms?

Lighthouse International Group’s Paul Stephen Waugh on why internet trolls hide their identity, and the harm it does to children

Lighthouse Videos
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2022


Boy hiding with face covered behind leaves
Photo by Min An from Pexels

There are really only two reasons why you would need to use a pseudonym:

  1. To keep safe from the harm of others
  2. To perpetrate harm against others

So if someone was consistently going online, stalking all your public activities across several social media platforms, creating falsehoods and fictions on Reddit, and sensationalised stories in the Daily Mail, it’s going to be pretty clear that they fall under the second category of people who use pseudonyms — the malicious kind.

Here’s a short video of Paul Waugh addressing the intention and behaviour of such malicious internet trolls.

Basically, the online troll knows they’re doing something bad, so they use pseudonyms to remain anonymous. That way, they can say and do whatever they like, get away with it, and never be held accountable! Or so they think…

Sounds sickening? That’s because it is. Whether it’s a company, a family, or an individual being trolled, it’s never okay. And it’s especially evil when it affects the lives of children.

Watch the full length video of The Waugh Rooms: Parental Child Protection Series, below, to learn more about Groundswell, becoming a better parent, and looking after your family’s well-being and safety online.

For the rest of the episodes in the Parental Child Protection Series of The Waugh Rooms, please visit our Lighthouse Global Community website.

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