Why Predatory Trolls Spew Their Venom Online

Diane Cubitt
Lighthouse Videos
2 min readDec 28, 2022


Pexels — fauxels

For over 20 months, Lighthouse Gloabl has been the target of online abuse from Predatory Trolls, those who hide behind pseudonyms to hide their identity so that they can spread malicious and toxic lies in order to destroy another person’s character. Jordan Peterson, during an interview, shared how these predatory trolls spew their venom online, something that they probably wouldn’t do in reality offline. Here is a short from the interview.

Paul S. Waugh, Head Mentor at Lighthouse, has been specifically targeted and so has his family, which has resulted in his children being terrified. What they are doing is spreading their malicious lies, calling us names and there have even been racist comments towards certain members of the team, calling them the “Indian Variant of the South African strain of the Lighthouse 20 Virus”. Due to all these attacks, we set up a “Predatory Troll Accusation Register” showing some of the top malicious online posts. Paul shares what the Daily Mail have done as Predatory Trolls, contributing to and supporting the smear campaign against us.

The Daily Mail started a smear campaign that was instigated by Joanne Holmes and Richard Thomas, former associates at Lighthouse, because they could not get a refund. You can read all about them and the Daily Mail’s reporters involved, Tom Kelly and Adam Luck here. This is the damage that predatory trolls can cause, but they didn’t know who they were dealing with when taking on Lighthouse and Paul.

The internet is more ‘Wild West’ without safety guards in place to prevent anyone from signing up under and hiding behind a pseudonym, giving them seemingly unrestricted space to spew their poison. They feel that because they can hide behind a computer and a mask, that they can get away with spreading venom. They can literally kill another human being without harming a hair on their head, sadly resulting in thousands of people committing suicide every year because of the abuse online, and that includes children who have more access online now than ever before.

Here is the full interview of Jordan Peterson.

If you have any questions relating to this article, or about the videos that you would like to discuss and would like support with, please feel free to contact us, and one of the members of the team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Diane Cubitt
Lighthouse Videos

I became part of Lighthouse Global to develop and grow, to be a leader if myself and others through being mentored myself so that I can mentor others as well