Emergent: April 2018

Alyssa Powell
Lighting Out
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2018

This month: Hell Ya or No, you need a user manual, turn off all your notifications — all of them, and unique topographic maps by Muir Way.

Emergent is a monthly newsletter that features Noah’s ideas, writing, podcasts, and other things that are capturing his attention. Subscribe here.

1. This month’s most interesting reads

Hell Ya or No

For me, at least, it can be easy to get into analysis paralysis. Am I making the right decision on hiring someone? Should I commit to a potential business trip or not? It turns out there’s an easier way to handle these types of decisions, using a simple method pioneered by Derek Sivers. Essentially, Derek says that if you’re not 100% into an idea, the answer should be “no.” Check out his thoughts and also The New York Times’ take on the topic.

You need a user manual

Everything that we buy comes with instructions. You may or may not be an instructions reader, but wouldn’t be easier if your co-workers had manuals? Wouldn’t it be helpful if your new manager had a manual that explained how she worked? Wouldn’t it be helpful to your employees to have a manual that explained how to best work with you? I think this is a fantastic idea and have written my own manual. It was a popular enough idea that our work intranet is now full of user manuals for most of our team. You can learn all about the benefits and how to craft your own over at First Round Review.

2. This month’s best way to reduce stress

Turn off your notifications. All of them.

My level of stress had been increasing, my sleep quality had been getting worse, and I felt like I just couldn’t focus like I used to be able to. One of the best solutions I’ve found is to turn off my phone notifications. I’ve read about this idea for a while, but simply didn’t have the guts to do it. Now I’ve done it, and I’m not going back. News alerts, Twitter, Facebook, email, Slack, and more. They’re all off. Do yourself a favor and try it for a week. You can read about the benefits over at Wired. Bonus article: Get your news from print only.

3. This month’s favorite purchase

Unique Maps

I’m into mountains and love pouring over topographic maps. But, you don’t have to be a map geek to enjoy these decorative maps from Muir Way. Check out their national park series as well as their TOPO series for some unique wall art for you or your mountain-loving friends. Muir Way.

Like what you read here? Feel free to subscribe. We’d also love to hear about the things that are capturing your attention. Add a note in the comments or find Noah on twitter @noahparsons.



Alyssa Powell
Lighting Out

Digital Media Marketing Specialist at Palo Alto Software. Collaborator + connector. An avid fan of random dance breaks. Fueled by cold brew coffee.