Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

A reminder; an instruction

Pooja Ramakrishnan
Published in
1 min readJun 6, 2022


Your body is marvelous.

Don’t call it names. Fat, thin? Have some respect for it.

If you are reading this, it has carried you through a pandemic.

It houses an arsenal of weapons against the most dangerous organisms and yet.

What do you do?

You focus on a tummy roll or a thigh gap?

The skin is a battleground, your cells are soldiers — working tirelessly.

You better have more respect for your body.

A body that constitutes millions of little machines so you can see, smell, dance, take the train to Bucharest, eat 3 hot dogs, and solve yesterday’s crossword.

Have some perspective on a relationship that society and the media prevent you from having

- a relationship that should be brimming with awe and admiration.

Your body takes up space because it has every right to.

It folds and stretches to support your heart, and launch your dreams.

When you sleep,

when you cry,

as you bleed monthly,

when you tear yourself apart to bring new life into the world,

your body carries on.

Not even one day until the very last does it call it quits.

If this is not magic, nothing else is.

Your body is marvelous.

Start treating it with respect.

