Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) Monthly Report — June 2019

Lightning Bitcoin [LBTC]
Lightning Bitcoin Blog
2 min readJul 19, 2019

Core Development Progress

1. Released the latest Version 1.0.4 for Android Wallet

· Reduced transaction fee and added recording option for history transaction in detail

· Added QR code for all functions

· Added the transaction option during the confirming

· Added wallet rollback status and resynchronize data entry

2. iOS Wallet

· Completed synchronization function update

· In the process of applying enterprise certificate

· Completed network performance optimization

3. Underlying Function Expansion

· Added nickname function, so one nickname only corresponds to one address. Users are allowed to complete transaction by entering the nickname.

4. Updated the tech article “A Guide for Full Node Security,” & “Full Node Mining Tutorial”

5. Bug Repair

· Fixed the problem of the voting order format

· Fixed iOS wallet duplicated address

LBTC Main Chain

Total Community Member 33,959

New Member Joined the Community by June:16307

Average Exchange Amount in June:2700+

Update until the day of June 30th 2019

Developer Community

(1) Wallet optimization

Testing Phrase

Applicant:Big foot sparrow

(2) Enabled Token Function

Progress: Apply for the test net

Applicant: 50+

Latest News

Bitifinex & Ampleforth invited LBTC Chinese Community Manager to discuss the future of flexible supply stabilization coins

On June 4th, the LBTC Chinese Community Manager was invited to participate the Bitfinex & Ampleforth China Tour event. The LBTC Chinese community manager said: “The LBTC community has always been open-minded. We believe that the blockchain is a social experiment. Ampleforth is a new stable coin, trying to solve the dilemma of the convergence of existing mainstream currency prices. As long as it is trying to solve a certain problem, it should be encouraged. In the future, LBTC will carry out more cooperation with quality projects and exchanges.”

1. LBTC X GJ Lightning Candy Airdrop

On June 21st, LBTC and the GJ exchange held the Lightning Bitcoin Candy event. This event was launched mainly for overseas users from the United States, Europe, and other regions. In the future, the LBTC community will also launch a series of activities from time to time to attract more blockchain enthusiasts to understand the LBTC project.

2. Cobo Wallet Staking economic activity sharing, LBTC Chinese community volunteer manager showed up the first time

On June 25th, LBTC’s new community volunteer manager James pitched the topic “the Ethernet 2.0 era, will PoS/DPoS be a vent for the next bull market?” Later, James has briefly explained the structure regarding LBTC, yet discusses the next coming bull market.


LBTC has been listed on 14 exchanges.



Lightning Bitcoin [LBTC]
Lightning Bitcoin Blog

Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) is an instant, secure, scalable and nearly free Internet-of-Value protocol for global payments based on Bitcoin and DPoS consensus