【Tutorial】Installation of Full-Node Wallet and Guide to Forging

Lightning Bitcoin [LBTC]
Lightning Bitcoin Blog
2 min readApr 18, 2019

Notice: The download link can be found on LBTC official website, we suggest that users go to official website https://lbtc.io/ to download the wallet.

Download link for Ubuntu


Download link for Centos


Ⅰ Requirement of System

ubuntu 16.04

Ⅱ Installation of package

sudo apt update

sudo apt-get install libzmq5

sudo apt-get install libevent-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost-chrono-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost-serialization-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost-dev

Ⅲ Download and Decompression



tar -zxvf lbtc-fullnode-wallet-ubuntu16.04-x64-v2.0.1.tar.gz

Ⅳ Commands

· Open the wallet to sync data


· Confirm the block to be the latest block height

▼./bitcoin-cli getblockcount

· Create new address

▼./bitcoin-cli getnewaddress


· Export private key


· Import private key

▼./bitcoin-cli importprivkey L4GPEfZDPPoen1fAyQPoVN7phEnmRN8iCr6mtCq4E9dgZoLkdoaQ

· Register as a delegate

▼./bitcoin-cli register 1EguwmLDaeVdDApPdCQaGuNBArggS4iY3k whh1


· Check delegates list

▼./bitcoin-cli listdelegates



“id”: 1,

“address”: “1EguwmLDaeVdDApPdCQaGuNBArggS4iY3k”, “name”: “whh1”



· Vote for a delegate (no more than 51 votes)

Notice: The voting weight calculation is based on the address balance. If you want to use all of your stake for voting you have to transfer all the coins into one address.

▼./bitcoin-cli vote 1FncXb4QJZ5sNSPErrhAxYwVP1MF71LFgA whh1


· List received votes

▼./bitcoin-cli listreceivedvotes whh1

▼[ “1FncXb4QJZ5sNSPErrhAxYwVP1MF71LFgA”


· List voted delegates

▼./bitcoin-cli listvoteddelegates 1FncXb4QJZ5sNSPErrhAxYwVP1MF71LFgA



“name”: “T1”,

“delegate”: “mnMzxN2fk2xxDSvfWEDkvwTXwGAT4Yz9aA”



· Start forging

Satisfy two conditions

1.Your balance is not less than 5000LBTC

2.Rank in top 101 according to your votes

▼.bitcoin-cli startforging 1EguwmLDaeVdDApPdCQaGuNBArggS4iY3k

· Stop forging

▼./bitcoin-cli stopforging

· Transfer

▼./bitcoin-cli sendtoaddressnew 1EguwmLDaeVdDApPdCQaGuNBArggS4iY3k 10


· Check the list of commands

▼./bitcoin-cli help



Lightning Bitcoin [LBTC]
Lightning Bitcoin Blog

Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) is an instant, secure, scalable and nearly free Internet-of-Value protocol for global payments based on Bitcoin and DPoS consensus