W.H.H: LBTC will launch a Global Developer Incentive Program with a first phase award of over 100,000 LBTC

Lightning Bitcoin [LBTC]
Lightning Bitcoin Blog
4 min readApr 15, 2019

On April 12, 2019, in Shanghai, China, Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) successfully held the first developer offline Meetup. Many programmers and developers from different industries and companies participated in the salon. As the holders of LBTC and firm supporters of LBTC, they offered the LBTC a lot of constructive advice.

At the Meetup, having been seated, the participants have enjoyed the acquaintance with each other. After that, the core developers of LBTC came to the topic of LBTC.

Leader of developer community W.H.H. introduced the development of the LBTC main network and the future development direction of LBTC. Additionally, he explained why the current development of Bitcoin deviated from the vision of “Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash” proposed by Nakamoto’s white paper. What needed to be mentioned is why the LBTC team should choose the DPO consensus mechanism.

Subsequently, another core developer of LBTC, Guan Qi, gave a presentation on how to use the developer tutorials and technical documents provided by LBTC to carry out corresponding development program at the Meetup.

After the two technicians’ lectures, the developers asked questions about the current LBTC technology development, community operations, and outlook of blockchain industry. Based on the above issues, they had a detailed discussion with the core developers of LBTC. After the Meetup, the consensus was further deepened on the basis of mutual understanding. LBTC developers and community supporters also hope to spread the concept of decentralization, freedom, open source and high efficiency of LBTC to the whole world.

From the perspective of W.H.H., the manager of LBTC developer community, LBTC boasts the following merits:

  1. LBTC adopts DPoS3.0 consensus mechanism, 2M block size, 3 seconds to produce blocks, with stable performance of producing block, quick transfer, strong scalability, environmental protection and other performance. In comparison, the use of PoW consensus mechanism will consume huge power resources. What’s more, all cryptocurrency under PoW mechanism except Bitcoin is very vulnerable to defend 51% attack, for instance, the ETC.
  2. The robust and stable LBTC main network, with the nodes distributed all over the world, which fully guarantees the high decentralization performance of LBTC.
  3. The LBTC code is open source, the LBTC community boasts a large scale, and the popularity of recognition of consensus is wide. The development team has always maintained a positive interaction with the community and embrace great confidence in the future of LBTC. In addition, the LBTC team has been actively communicating with the MimbleWimble development team to continually improve the LBTC network.

The developers participated in the Meetup proposed the following suggestions:

  1. The LBTC development team should be more adventurous by conducting full technical exploration in all directions and applying the latest technology in the industry timely to improve LBTC with more excellent performance, rather than being as conservative as Bitcoin Core.
  2. interactions between the developer team and the LBTC community should be increased thus more voices and suggestions from community can be heard. However, the development program should not be over interfered by opinions from community, otherwise, the forked farce like Bit Cash BCH might be reproduced.
  3. Further improve the function of block browser as well as add the part of expert technical evaluation reports. Meanwhile, develop the IOS version of the wallet to meet the needs of more LBTC users.

The LBTC development team listened carefully to these suggestions, indicating that they would act immediately and respond to community calls.2018 is a very cruel year for the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries when the Year of Winter is Coming. Many blockchain projects such as public chains, funds, and media appear on the death list. But at the same time, in 2018, the blockchain market has cooled down and the bubble has been squeezed out for a year. Good projects have survived the cold winter and gradually bloomed in 2019. However, LBTC still can’t slow down its paces for moving on, for that there is no easy way to approach the great success.

For LBTC, it has gone through the very bitter time when ups and downs of the industry as well as substantial currency fluctuations occurred. However, it is the support of so many community members that made LBTC restore the confidence that it will continue to move forward and improve the project with persistence. LBTC also hopes that more community members will join us to make it the most shining star in the blockchain industry and realize the true vision of Nakamoto that cryptocurrencies can be used by people all over the world.



Lightning Bitcoin [LBTC]
Lightning Bitcoin Blog

Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) is an instant, secure, scalable and nearly free Internet-of-Value protocol for global payments based on Bitcoin and DPoS consensus