[Weekly Report] September 10

On-chain governance | DigiFinex giveaway extension | Updates

Lightning Bitcoin [LBTC]
Lightning Bitcoin Blog
4 min readSep 10, 2018


Technological updates

This past week the Lightning Bitcoin team was busy with the blockchain features upgrade: integration of on-chain governance capabilities into Full-node/Light wallets and LBTC explorer. Decentralization is the goal of Lightning Bitcoin, and on-chain governance is an excellent step towards achieving it. On-chain governance will allow LBTC community to participate in the development of Lighting Bitcoin through voting for proposals. After the launch of a wallets’ new version, it will completely change your experience, so stay tuned!

The Full-node wallet chain management commands:

The light wallet has added Delegates, Proposals, Committee functionalities:

LBTC Explorer adds new viewing capabilities: Proposals and Committees

DigiFinex & LBTC deposit competition EXTENDED to September 10th

LBTC and DigiFinex exchange have just finished “Deposit competition, 45,000$ worth of LBTC give away”. The competition has been extended for additional three days. It will finish on September 10th, 2018 (GMT+8).

Bonus details:

Rewards distribution period: 10 days after your deposit and by Sep 17th.

1. Deposit bonus: During event period, 3999 LBTCs will be distributed among all the LTBC deposit accounts according to net deposit proportion. (net deposit amount= total deposit-total withdrawal)

2. Top deposit rewards: 695 LTBCs will be distributed among top 20 net deposit accounts. (Net deposit should ≥500 LBTCs)

Ranking Rewards (LBTC) Estimated value in DFC. DFC: DigiFinex Cash. It is a stable coin has fixed rate to Chinese yuan at 1:1

3. Lucky draw: 1 LTBC will be given to below 20 lucky deposit accounts:

The number 1st 11th 22nd 33rd 44th 55th 66th 77th 88th 99th 111th 122nd 133th 144th 155th 166th 177th 188th 199th and the last account who made deposit during the event based on deposit time.

All the rewards are independent from each other so you can claim more than one rewards in the same time.

Reminder: During this event, the additional condition to claim the rewards is that the deposit should stay in the account for 10 days after deposit without trade off or withdrawal.


- Unified response to community FAQs [In Chinese]

LBTC community member Xiao Ning published an article in the official forum “Lbtc and AMA”, which answers 20 questions related to LBTC. Later The LBTC team has recapped to all questions.

- FAQs are posted on the WeChat community [In Chinese]

The LBTC community responded to 19 common LBTC related questions in the WeChat community, and compiled the documents into various WeChat groups. You can find files in group message records or check files in Baidu cloud. Have a look: Baidu network disk link Password: qs0d

Monthly reports

The LBTC will start to publish monthly summary with month highlights and achievements, in an easy reading form so it will be easy for members to catch up with the development progress. The monthly report will be released in the beginning of every month.


Golden Finance released the article “When we are talking about the blockchain, what are we talking about? “ [Cn]

The article discuss the problem of centralisation in blockchain, mentioning on chain governance of Dfinity, EOS, Tezos, and LBTC as a solution to that problem.

TheBitcoinNews publish the article “Lightning Bitcoin: Flashing Bitcoins on Incredible Speed with DPoS” [Eng]

Very detailed overview of Lighting Bitcoin and the intentions behind it.

Community Art

Here are some cute Instagram images from LBTC official account. Check the image for more LBTC art. Welcome enthusiasts to contribute and express their talents and crypto-art vision!

Visit our Official website Lightning Bitcoin, check the source code on Github, stay up to date with Twitter, ask questions on Reddit , create with us on Instagram!

For inquires write to contact@lightningbitcoin.io



Lightning Bitcoin [LBTC]
Lightning Bitcoin Blog

Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) is an instant, secure, scalable and nearly free Internet-of-Value protocol for global payments based on Bitcoin and DPoS consensus