Send a Lightning Payment with Zap Desktop

Pierre Rochard
Lightning Power Users
3 min readDec 14, 2018

This guide will walk you through sending a Lightning payment with Zap.

If you get stuck at any point in this guide (or after!) please contact me so that I can help you out.

If any of this is not clear, please let me know so that I can improve it!

1. Set up your BTC/LN nodes

2. Set up Zap Desktop

3. Send BTC to your Zap Desktop Wallet

Click the QR code icon at the top left

Either click the Bitcoin Address button at the top left to scan the QR code if you are sending from a mobile wallet, OR click the clipboard copy button at the bottom right if you are sending from an exchange or a desktop wallet.

Send some BTC to the address. How much is up to you! Keep it reasonable — not too much but not too little. Wait for the transaction to confirm.

An hour later…

4. Open a Channel

On the top right of the Zap Desktop window, you’ll see a “My Network” menu

Click the plus icon

Go to

Click the Copy button below the connection information

Paste in the connection information in Zap’s “Search the network” field at the top right of the window

Click connect…

Enter how much you BTC you want to commit to the channel. I would recommend 0.01 BTC (1,000,000 satoshis)

NB: you are not spending this much right now, you are just creating this much capacity to possibly spend in the future

Click Submit and wait an hour for the new channel to have confirmations.

5. Send a Payment

Go to

Adjust the amount, the default is 50,000 satoshis which is ~ $2

Click on Get PayReq

In Zap Desktop, click the Pay button at the top of the window

Paste in the Payment Request and click Pay

All done, you just sent a Lightning Network payment!

Now you have a channel open and ready to send more payments!

If you got stuck at any point in this guide (or after!) please contact me so that I can help you out.

If any of this is not clear, please let me know so that I can improve it!

Get on Joule!

