What Happens When Press Freedoms Are Restricted?

Yvan Cohen
LightRocket Photography Blog
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2 days ago

Hi there reader,

We’re moving into that part of the year which always seems to fly by.

During these last few months of 2024, I hope you find time to slow down and enjoy a quiet moment or two — ideally with your camera.

Here’s what we’ve got for you this month:

In the blog

Write for LightRocket

Are you a photographer who’s got something to share? We’d love to include more voices from our community in The LightRocket Photography Blog. Visit our website for details on how to write for LightRocket.



Yvan Cohen
LightRocket Photography Blog

Yvan has been a photojournalist for over 30 years. He’s a co-founder of LightRocket and continues to shoot photo and video projects around South East Asia.