About Lights on Women

Shaping an inclusive energy sector.

FSR Energy&Climate
Lights on Women
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2019


To further enhance economically and socially inclusive energy policy and regulation, the Florence School of Regulation has taken positive steps towards addressing the lack of visibility of women in the energy sector with its Lights on Women initiative.

The initiative aims to address barriers women face in the energy field through digital inclusion, capacity building and by developing a global network and talent pool — it works to ensure that qualified women gain recognition and equality of opportunity in a sector that is predominantly male.

Using the initiative as a platform, we shine a light on women’s expertise, publications, projects, and professional achievements, making their contributions visible to the wider energy community in Europe and worldwide.

1st Lights on Women Scholarship:

Lights on Women is committed to connecting with, training, supporting women in energy.

With the 1st Lights on Women Scholarship, we aim to help shape a more inclusive energy sector by increasing opportunities for motivated early- or mid-career women working in the energy industry or academia. Selected candidates eager to learn and advance their career in the energy field will be offered free access to one of the FSR online courses (of their choice) starting in Autumn 2019.

Apply now or refer a candidate

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FSR Energy&Climate
Lights on Women

The Florence School of Regulation shares high-quality & relevant academic thinking on EU Energy policy & regulation. Sign up for updates: http://bit.ly/1ARx7vp