The Andean Countries work together to achieve benefits of regional electricity integration

Podcast with Paula Estevez (Head of International Affairs at the Chilean Ministry of Energy) & Juan Carlos Cárdenas (IDB)

FSR Energy&Climate
Lights on Women
2 min readJul 15, 2019


This interview was created under the partnership between the FSR Lights on Women initiative & the Inter-American Development Bank: Learn more about the Lights on Women Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Edition. The podcast is also available in Spanish.

The Andean Electric Interconnexion System Initiative (SINEA by its acronym in Spanish) was created in 2011 by Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Bolivia (as an observer country) with the goal of advancing the integration of their electric systems. SINEA´s coordination rotates annually in July, this year Chile has the task of moving the path of electricity integration forward in the region. According to Paula Estevez, Energy Integration is a priority for Chile, as “interconnected systems are more robust, resilient, and provide greater security in energy emergencies, and also they enable a higher penetration of variable renewable energies as solar and wind because they give greater flexibility to the systems”.

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This podcast is also available in Spanish. Listen to the Spanish version here.

Paula Estevez is the Head of International Affairs at the Chilean Ministry of Energy. In this regard, she is responsible for directly advising the Minister of Energy on international relations, as well as leading the design and implementation of the Ministry’s international activities. Previously, she worked at Vestas Wind Systems’, global leader in manufacturing and sale of wind turbines, in charge of the environmental processes of several projects in South America and business development in the Sales Department. Her background also includes consulting for the Earth Engineering Center at Columbia University, Covanta Energy Corporation and EGreen, with a focus in the development of waste‐to‐energy in Latin America. Ms. Estévez holds a Master of Science in Earth Resources Engineering from Columbia University, as well as an Engineering Degree in Civil Construction from Pontífica Universidad Católica of Chile.

Juan Carlos Cárdenas is an Energy Economist Consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C. He has more than 10 years of experience working in the energy sector and provides technical and operational support to the portfolio of energy projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. His work focuses on promoting the use of renewable energies, access to energy and energy policy reforms. Prior to coming to the IDB, he worked at the Work Bank´s Global Energy and Extractive Practice in Washington D.C., and the Energy Group of Bogotá. Juan Carlos holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from the School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University, and a Master’s Degree in Economics from the National University of Colombia.

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