World Forum on Energy Regulation & Women in Energy (WIE)

Event Highlight

Jessica Dabrowski
Lights on Women
4 min readMar 8, 2018


Next week, the FSR is headed to the World Forum on Energy Regulation (WFER) in Cancun, Mexico. WFER is the leading international conference on energy regulation, gathering energy industry experts, policymakers, academics and regulators from around the world to engage in strategic dialogue and training.

“Energy — A key driver for empowering women and growth in the developing world”

We are looking forward to learning from all of the influential women participating in the international conference, which has given priority organising diverse and balanced panels of experts.

This year, the conference will also feature a panel of experts promoting the empowerment of women in the energy sector. The panel includes some of the most powerful voices in the sector, sharing their vast experiences in the energy field.

The session will focus on women’s empowerment through energy answering the following questions:

Why is access to electricity and machinery so important to women and their empowerment?

What barriers do households in the developing world face for universal access to energy?

Are there energy projects that village women are carrying out?

What more can regulators, companies and sponsors do to ensure access to energy for all?

Meet the panel:

Christina Espinosa

Cofounder and CEO of the GenteGas SA, USA

Christina Espinosa is the Co-Founder of GenteGas, a social enterprise in Guatemala specialising in consumer financing solutions for households adopting LPG. GenteGas uses an ecosystems approach and uniquely provides an all-in-one solution including financing, consumer education, stove installation, fuel distribution and delivery for new users by acquiring clients through a specially designed education program partnership with primary schools. GenteGas has created a high-functioning ecosystem of business solutions targeted to remove new users barriers to entry.

Bevan Flansburg

Deputy Director of International Programs of NARUC, USA.

Mrs. Flansburg has been with the NARUC since 2008. As a Deputy Director in the International Department, she oversees the Enhancing Sustainable Energy Regulation (ENSURE) Cooperative Agreement with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the of Supporting Utility Reform & Governance (SURGe) Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Department of State. Under these agreements, she manages a team that builds and implements capacity building programs with energy regulators in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Middle East. In her capacity as Deputy Director, she ensures NARUC’s international work supports foreign partners in making tangible improvements in energy regulation. She manages coordination with donors and USG initiatives, such as Power Africa, which aims to double access to electricity in partner countries, and low emissions development initiatives. While at NARUC, she has helped design and manage partnerships that provide strategic and tailored support to energy regulators, giving them the tools they need to build effective clean energy policies.

Aida Sitdikova

Director of Energy & Natural Resources at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Russia

Ms. Sitdikova is the Director of Energy and Natural Resources, Russia, Caucasus & Central Asia at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) where she heads a team covering a diverse group of transition countries with a focus on power utilities and extractive sectors including oil & gas and mining. Ms. Sitdikova has over 18 years’ experience in emerging market economies working with both the private and public sectors and leading complex financings involving debt, equity, syndications and policy dialogue with the Governments and reputable domestic and international investors. The EBRD is a major investor in the Central Asia and Caucasus power and natural resources sectors where Ms. Sitdikova has led projects with a specific focus on energy and resource efficiency, renewables and energy infrastructure, responsible mining, and upstream oil & gas. Under Aida’s leadership the team has grown into a major player in the energy and natural resources sectors of Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. Ms. Sitdikova is spearheading the policy engagement with the respective Governments to assist with establishing the national regulation in the area of subsoil use, renewables, cost reflective tariffs and commercialisation of regulated sectors, gender and inclusion.

Beatrice Sithole

Representative of Zimbabwe’s Civil Society, Zimbabwe

Mrs. Sithole is the founder/trustee and CEO of The Power of Touch (PoT) institution. PoT is a registered trust whose vision is to fulfill and enhance the lives of senior citizens (55 years and above) in Zimbabwe. She is a published author of seven books and all time vernacular cards. She is also the current chairperson of Harare Children’s Home, mentorship program coordinator of Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) and a life skills coach.

Dr. Ester Khosa

Chair of the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA), Zimbabwe

Dr Ester Mpandi Khosa is the current Board Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) and a Member of the University Council with the Zimbabwe Open University. She is a retired Academic and Research Scientist (Microbiology and Biotechnology, Nutrition and Food Technology), and is a Registered Nutritionist with the Allied Health Professionals Council of Zimbabwe. She is an expert on bio-ethanol production.

Susana Cazorla

Head of LPG Unit at Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), Mexico

Since December 2014, Ms. Cazorla has been the Head of the LPG Division at Mexico´s Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). Previously, she was the Chief of Advisors to the Chairman of the same Commission, a position she held for over three years. From February 2008 to April 2011, she was the Liaison, Statistics and Special Affairs Director of the Department of LPG at the Ministry of Energy. Susana holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) and a Master’s Degree in Economy, having majored in Public Policy Finances, at the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE). She also studied a Financial Programing course at the International Monetary Fund. Before beginning her career professional in the energy sector, she was subdirector of Economic Studies at CONSAR and previously worked at the Department of External Affairs in Mexico´s Central Bank.

Ms Kathleen Riviere-Smith

Chief Executive Officer, Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), Bahamas

Mrs. Kathleen Riviere-Smith was appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), with effect from April 2, 2012. A Certified Public Accountant, Mrs. Smith joined the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), which preceded URCA, as a Financial Analyst, in 2000. Following the August 2009 establishment of URCA, she was named a Senior Case Officer. In January 2011, she was appointed Director of Policy and Regulation. In this capacity, she was the Authority’s most senior executive from August 2011, when the CEO position became vacant. Her appointment as URCA CEO is for a term of five years.

Una Shortall

Deputy Secretary General of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) & Chair of the ICER Women in Energy Steering Group

Una was the founding Secretary General of the CEER, the Brussels based association representing Europe’s energy regulators. Currently working part-time as the CEER Deputy Secretary General, Una heads up CEER’s communications and is responsible for its finances. An Economist by training, she started her career as an Economics lecturer, and has worked as a professional Economist for the Irish National Competition Authority and the Irish energy National Regulatory Authority (NRA).She is passionate about helping women advance in their careers. Una heads up the global Women in Energy initiative of the International Confederation of Energy Regulators (ICER).



The FSR will also be participating in the event during the Regulatory training day. Jean-Michel Glachant (Director of the FSR), Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
(Training Director at the FSR), and Jorge Vasconcelos (Energy Advisor at the FSR) will be instructors of the training session ‘The Basics of the Electricity Industry’ which will provide innovative and interactive training on:

The basics of the Electricity Industry

Electricity Industry Structures: Competition and Regulation

Wholesale Market Design: The Basics

Electrification and Renewable Energy Markets


FSR Energy Union Law Director, Leigh Hancher will be moderating the session on ‘Coordination between competition and energy sector regulators’

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