
A New High Bar for AR — The Post Pokemon GO Era

Aaron Batalion
Lightspeed Venture Partners
1 min readJul 12, 2016


With the success of Pokemon Go, which has reached 150M DAU in the past week alone, we’ve seen what great IP and a clever mobile experience can be at scale. A simple realtime map, millions of POIs, and just enough AR… has become a worldwide hit in single digit days.

What’s amazing is that all of this has happened with just the phones in our pockets. No need for the AR/VR headsets and glasses that so many startups are working feverishly to build and sell.

The best technologies are not measured by their specs, but instead the experiences they enable. This is a great reminder that a simple novel product experience is entirely sufficient to engage millions of people.

A new high bar has been set for everyone working on the next killer app for AR/VR. While maybe daunting, I’m even more excited about the future. The next wave of products we all use… will be even that much more amazing.



Aaron Batalion
Lightspeed Venture Partners

NewCo. Past: Partner, @LightspeedVP. Founder/CTO, LivingSocial. Tweeting at @abatalion