Retail investing post GME/AMC: still going strong

Mercedes Bent
Lightspeed Venture Partners
1 min readMay 24, 2021

This story was first published on Business Insider, read it here:

Retail investing apps have been getting a bad rap lately. As the market leader, Robinhood has been a magnet for much of that criticism.

The company got a black eye when it restricted trading during the height of the GameStop trading frenzy in January, and has weathered a storm of press.

But all that negative publicity actually helped Robinhood. Downloads of its trading app topped 2.1 million in February.

That’s significantly lower than at the height of GameStop mania, but still 55% higher than in February 2020.

Read the rest of the article on BI where I talk about:

- Retail investing being a lot more than Robinhood

- Hype is not always irrational

- Investing is not always about retirement

- Neobrokers are thriving & Robinhood will continue to dominate

