Why Join LightStep Engineering

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2 min readJul 12, 2018

July 12, 2018 | Katia Bazzi

I joined the LightStep engineering team 7 months ago, and so far, it’s been an incredible ride. As many startups are, we’re hiring quickly, and I’ve been involved in several interview panels so far. The question I get asked the most by candidates always boils down to: “why did you join LightStep?” or “what keeps you excited here?”. My answer has always been the same (which usually ends up being pretty long).

The people

I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of people within engineering and across different departments, and I’ve been blown away by how smart, humble, and passionate everyone is about their work. At LightStep, we take our work seriously (without taking ourselves too seriously).

The technical challenges

Working on the LightStep SaaS distributed system poses all kinds of exciting technical challenges that you can sink your teeth into (e.g. anomaly detection, time-series visualization, and aggregate data searching). We aim to build high-throughput, low-latency services for our customers, and continuously optimize the performance, reliability, scalability and operability of our system.

The values

The company values fit exactly what I was looking for. We believe in knowing why our work is important, seeking out diverse opinions, being a team multiplier, and learning from both our failures and our successes.

The product

Last, but definitely not least, I love working on a cutting-edge product that I really believe in. LightStep gives developers visibility into complex systems in ways that I’ve never seen before. We empower engineers to quickly resolve performance degradations, diagnose anomalies, and monitor what matters the most. And we enable engineers to build better, faster systems.

And that about sums it up! If this aligns with what you’re looking for next, check out our Careers page — we’re hiring! Or to get a glimpse of the team, check out our instagram.

Originally published at lightstep.com on July 12, 2018.




Lightstep enables teams to detect and resolve regressions quickly, regardless of system scale or complexity.