No Gas Required for Lightstreams DApps

Lightstreams Gas Station: The ultimate onboarding solution

Freemium use: No initial Gas required for DApp Users

Lead developer, Lukas Lukac published a technical article today about a new feature that we have been working on at Lightstreams and is now officially part of our stack.

With this feature, users can begin interacting with any decentralized application (DApp) without requiring a balance of PHT or even a wallet (e.g. MetaMask). This gives users a chance to try out a DApp until a point at which they can then decide to pay to keep using the DApp or not.

These “free” transactions are called Meta Transactions and are funded via a Gas Station Network. The user signs the transaction, so the blockchain records their activity, but the gas fee is paid on their behalf by the application creator.

We believe this is a game-changing feature for blockchain applications. A major friction factor that is inhibiting user adoption is the requirement for users to have a funded wallet in order to begin trying out a DApp.

This great feature is what we are adding to our own Fanbase application, currently in development, and will showcase the low friction onboarding to a Lightstreams Decentralized Application.

More details coming soon to our website and documentation…

For now, you can read the article on CoinMonk, published on the 23 September 2019 by Lukas.

