Lightwell at Huron City Schools: Leah LaCrosse

Jerica Lam
Lightwell Pro
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2019

Did you know that science and app development can go hand-in-hand? Meet this 8th Grade Science class in Huron, Ohio who published a citizen science app for their local estuary, Old Woman Creek.

Part of our #SpotlightSeries In Lightwell Education 🎒👩‍🏫 💻 🍏

Leah LaCrosse, McCormick Jr. High Science teacher, crosses off “Publish an App” from her student’s New Year’s resolution list with Lightwell!

Add App Developer next to her Apple Distinguished Educator certification, Leah shares her journey from brainstorming to publishing the app with her 8th grade Science class.

Download it on iTunes: Old Woman Creek App.

Old Woman Creek app is Available for download on the App Store.

Describe the project your students created with Lightwell.

My students created an app based on their field trip experience and research of a local estuary, Old Woman Creek.

Each Science class chose an area to focus on. This included invasive species, trails, habitat, birds, plankton, energy food pyramid, and consequences of human-environment interaction. Spending a day out at the estuary, students were able to capture sights and sounds of the estuary with mobile devices. They were able to work through plankton labs, hike, and canoe the creek. The scientists at the estuary were so helpful and knowledgeable. Students were able to ask plenty of questions.

After returning to school, students conducted research on the area that they chose to do a deep dive into. We mapped out our ideas for building the section of the app. Then, students divided up the work and began drawing, writing, and creating music and sound clips. Some students became super focused on the app development part of the project in Lightwell, while others were happy to create content for their specific section.

How did Lightwell encourage your students?

Having a creative outlet for the content made the science learning so much more engaging for students. The students that were involved in the Lightwell software were really engaged in the technology aspect and arranging the interactions to occur correctly.

What did your students learn from this experience?

Learning app development partnered up with science was a perfect way for me to add an extra layer of engagement and student ownership to the Old Woman Creek trip. Learning to work together, communicate, and compromise were other outcomes that made the process perfect.

What‘s your favorite thing about Lightwell?

I loved the ease of app development. I loved the software layout. Even the slight changes in software were easy to understand and work with. I also love the fact that now students can begin building their own apps without me.

We’ve worked through the first app together. With that experience, now students can take content from the second half of the year to work independently (or in teams). Also, we have a group of students that are interested in developing a “New to Our School” app for incoming students. Super excited about that!

Already a 5-star reviewed app—Woohoo!

After publishing your app, what’s your final feedback?

The science learning with this app development was off the charts! We were also able to explore design and art concepts as well as computational thinking skills like structuring “if this/then that” logic in their app.

Thank you for the wonderful tech support. Loved the help on-line, via the hangouts, and over email. Perfect blend of support.

🙌 You’re so welcome, Leah! We loved working with you and your rockstar students.🤘

Stay updated on what her students are working on. We promise, you’ll be impressed! @LLacrosse (follow her!)

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Jerica Lam
Lightwell Pro
Writer for

Marketing & Partnerships @Lightwellpro