Meaning in Mattering

Like a Leaf Literature
Like a Leaf Literature
2 min readJul 11, 2024

“We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.”

- Fight Club, 1999

…but more than this,
We have been raised to believe that everything has a meaning.

Meaning, do you know what that means?

We believe that life must have a cohesive narrative,
Tying the universe and everything together,
Like a story.

We believe this to feel safe,
Like we matter,
And not just matter.

But life is not a story,
Not an entertaining one,
But it is a poem.

With stanzas and rhymes,
And flow,
Waiting to be listened.

The more I’ve listen,
The more I grow,
The more I know.

Knowledge is power,
Ignorance is escape,
Knowledge is a curse,
Ignorance is bliss,
Knowledge is growth,
Ignorance is death,

I've always had a double edged blade for a brain,
Always seeking,
Always hurting,
Always learning to accept what I cannot change.

Life does not hand out idle moments lightly,
Relaxation eventually becomes mandatory,
Which becomes effort,
Which detracts fun.

You either get busy living,
Or you get busy dying,
Knowledge is living,
Ignorance is dying.

Fear is the bullet,
In the carcass of growth,
Cut down before it’s prime,

I’m no stranger to coincidence,
Just another term for random serendipidence,
Feeling so feeble to be able to change,
Stuck between what I love and hate,
Watching the world go crazy around me,
While trying to maintain my peace,
Poisoned by the slow poison of complacency,
We choose to call comfort.

Don’t let your comfort zone become a warzone,
Don’t let the truth hurt you,
The truth you cannot change.

The truth that life is not a story,
That appreciation comes from suffering,
And life will bestow that prized purpose,
Life will only hand you clay to mold.



Like a Leaf Literature
Like a Leaf Literature

Amateur adventurer and passionate poet. You can find my other thoughts, memes, and photography here: