
I came to the conclusion long ago that life was like surfing.

You ride the waves of momentum propelling you towards artistic expression.

But, the waves never last long enough, I’m still always trying to catch that perfect wave.

And I know, persistence makes perfect and dab while the glass is glowing, but I still am looking for that perfect wave.

You see, I have a terrible knack for missing the entire point, and I end up catching, Starting, S-STANDING!!!


Back into the drink I go.

I’ve never found consistence, therefore I’ve never found purpose in my art.

I suppose there is none.

The only purpose to art I have found, is to keep doing it.

Like a heart, beating, because it’s supposed to. That’s how life exists.

I’ll keep trying to surf, the next wave is bound to be a big one.



Like a Leaf Literature
Like a Leaf Literature

Amateur adventurer and passionate poet. You can find my other thoughts, memes, and photography here: