You Can’t Go Home Again

(different picture than before, also by myself)

There is a reason I could no longer be “Sleepless in Seattle.”

You can’t go home again,
But who says,
Even if it’s technically true.

The mountains still stand,
A wall to the east,
And across sits ocean so blue.

Victoria waves,
Across the waves,
Beckoning refugees to come forth.

But there’s parking here,
And little to no traffic,
And it’s far too cold that far north.

It’s definitely changed,
Over two generations,
Still surviving, reinventing itself.

Inspiration to weirdos,
Accepting newcomers, vampires,
Fresh air does wonders for one’s health.

The seafood is to die for,
And recreational dispensaries,
The mecca of Mary Jane in Cascadia.

But, friend to friend,
We are still on unstable land,
So if you can, take the ferry to Victoria.



Like a Leaf Literature
Like a Leaf Literature

Amateur adventurer and passionate poet. You can find my other thoughts, memes, and photography here: