Voss Babe Female Entrepreneur Series — Christine Jamieson, Owner And Artist At Found And Lost Art


For many entrepreneurs and small businesses, social media can be an absolute game-changer! All it takes is one viral post and a business can suddenly take off.

At Like A Voss Social Media, we’re highlighting local businesses and entrepreneurs who are killing the online game. This week’s spotlight is on Christine Jamieson, Owner & Artist at Found and Lost Art!

Found and Lost Art is a Kingston, Ontario based illustration studio, founded in 2017.

Owner and illustrator Christine Jamieson creates all original illustrations and produces prints, art blocks, stationery, stickers, and housewares from her artwork. Every piece is unique and full of bright colours with sweet thoughtful details. With an ever-growing collection of characters, there’s always something new being imagined.

Our CEO Mandi interviewed Christine Jamieson about her secret to success in business and in life. We also got some awesome insights into what she thinks makes social media such an effective tool in business.

A Little Bit About Being a Female Entrepreneur

1: How long have you been in business?

I started Found and Lost Art in 2017 as a small side business doing a few craft fairs. In 2019 it became more of a full-time gig for me along with design freelance and part-time teaching.

2: What made you decide to break away from the 9–5 and start Found and Lost Art?

I was actually laid off from my full-time job as a designer at Queen’s University. So even though it wasn’t my choice to leave my 9–5, it was the best thing that could have happened. I’m so much happier now.

3: What do you love most about being a female entrepreneur?

I love waking up every morning excited about what I’m going to tackle that day. I’m totally in control of my career now, and even though that’s sort of terrifying it’s also incredibly liberating and exciting.

4: What is the hardest thing you have had to overcome as a female entrepreneur? Something you did not foresee when you decided to start Found and Lost Art?

The hardest part for me has been (and still is) the confidence to go ahead and execute my ideas. I’ve imagined so many things over the years for Found and Lost while I was still working my day job, and it was always just a dream. But now that I have the time and I need the income, it’s not an option to be insecure or unsure. I just need to keep trying new things and not let fear paralyze me.

5: What is one thing about being an artist that people would be surprised to learn?

I think some people would be surprised to learn that the times I’m most productive and on a creative streak, it’s because of sticking to a strict daily schedule. What I mean by that is, I’m not driven by a spark of inspiration the majority of the time. It’s just being super disciplined and committing to creating something every day. If I do that, I’m usually successful. If I get out of that structured routine I’ll always find something else to fill the time, and art falls to the backburner. I don’t always feel creative, but if I commit the time, I’ll always produce something, and MOST of the time it’s something I’m happy with.

And Now Onto The Social Media Questions!

6: Do you have a favorite social media platform? Why?

Instagram for sure. I love taking pictures, storytelling, and connecting with people who have similar (or totally different) interests. A downside of Instagram is the countless hours I can lose just scrolling, but the flip side is I get to share my art and thoughts and connect with people who it resonates with. It’s also great to be able to connect with the creative and business community here in Kingston. It really makes you realize how many awesome things are happening in this city.

7: What made you decide to start using social media as a way to promote your company?

I’m still learning how to tell my story and share more of the things that make Found and Lost Art special. I know that if I want to succeed and attract more clients, people need to know that I exist and what I can offer. I’m not using social media nearly as much as I could be for my business. I think it’s so essential for businesses, for promotion but also just to build and maintain relationships. Especially now, during this global pandemic, being isolated, we’re all relying on our online connections more than ever.

8: How has social media impacted your business? Would you say that it’s an effective marketing tool?

I think that if I was more consistent with posting then yes, it would be an awesome marketing tool for me. I see a lot of creatives using social media in cool ways, so there’s definitely a lot of opportunities for me to grow.

9: What advice would you give to other businesses and entrepreneurs who want to use social media as a way to connect with customers?

I would say showing up regularly and trying to connect with as many people as you can. Engaging and having conversations and offering something of value. I personally follow people because they’re funny, I’m learning something from them, I can relate to their story, or they’re offering me the value in some way.

A Little More About Christine

I was born in Saskatchewan, and have lived in Kingston for most of my life. I always knew I wanted to do something creative as a career, but I didn’t have the confidence or the knowledge to become a working artist when I was younger. I ended up going to school for Graphic Design and ended up really loving it. After ten years of working as a full-time graphic designer, I’m currently figuring out the next phase of my career as a freelance designer, part-time teacher, and business owner. I’m a total introvert, but also adore meeting new people. I love a quiet weekend hanging with my hubby, ten-year-old daughter, and our matching ginger pets, Sunny our tabby cat, and our greyhound Hero. I’m dreaming of days when we can travel again and be inspired by the sights and sounds of someplace new. For now, I’m happy to be living here in Kingston. It’s a pretty great place.

Connect with Christine


Know Any Voss Babes?

Do you know a female entrepreneur who loves social media as much as we do? Contact us today — we’d love to tell her story!

