Voss Babe Female Entrepreneur Series — Didi Sultan, Owner Of Didi Letters


At Like A Voss Social Media, we’re highlighting local businesses and entrepreneurs who are killing the online game. This week’s spotlight is on Didi Sultan, Owner of Didi Letters.

Didi Letters is a creative business offering custom c0alligraphy & engraving in Montréal, QC. Specializing in on-site events, Didi Letters offers a variety of calligraphy details for a variety of clients.

Our CEO Mandi interviewed Didi about her secret to success in business and in life. We also got some awesome insights into what they think makes social media such an effective tool in business.

A Little Bit About Being a Female Entrepreneur

1: How long have you been in business?

Not long! I launched my business during quarantine, in March 2020.

2: What made you decide to break away from the 9–5 and start your business?

Actually, I took the leap when I lost my 9–5 job during the COVID-19 crisis. I think it was a blessing in disguise. I had been thinking about starting my business for a while but feared not having the time or knowledge. I was able then able to take in a creative business building class (given by 2 amazing boss ladies). It really gave me the confidence to officially launch my business.

3: What do you love most about being a female entrepreneur?

The sisterhood! After joining the Montreal market, the female ‘creativepreneurs’ in my region all took the time to reach out and give me great advice. I was able to connect with so many amazing women across Canada & the US who have been so genuine, generous, and helpful. I love the communities & safe spaces we have created for ourselves!

4: What is the hardest thing you have had to overcome as a female entrepreneur? Something you did not foresee when you decided to start Didi Letters?

I was scared that I would not be able to get myself out there and work with my dream clients. However, I’m very lucky to not have faced any hardships with that regard. Believing in “Community Over Competition”, the female entrepreneurs n my region have been so helpful in referring me, giving me advice, supporting my business.

5: What is one thing about working in the calligraphy industry that people would be surprised to learn?

I think people would be surprised to know how hard it is. People often think that calligraphy is very easy, doesn’t require much skill and that I just have a pretty handwriting. I actually spent YEARS working on those skills! Hours and hours of practice which were fun but still demanding. Therefore, I’m not afraid to charge the prices I charge because I know the value of my work. Don’t underestimate your own work, Ladies!

And Now Onto The Social Media Questions!

6: Do you have a favorite social media platform? Why?

Instagram. I’ve used Instagram to share all of my creative ventures (both calligraphy and bullet-journaling) and I love the communities I’ve built on there. Instagram allows me to show my work but also be authentic and show different aspects of my personality.

7: What made you decide to start using social media as a way to promote your company?

I had used social media in the past, just to share my art, and I was amazed by how many business opportunities it opened. On Instagram, I’m able to show my portfolio but also share the mission & values of my business. So, I decided to use it as a marketing tool for my new business: I control the content I put out and tailor it to my target audience, which is increasingly present on social media.

8: How has social media impacted your business? Would you say that it’s an effective marketing tool?

Absolutely! I was able to connect with new clients and also create partnerships with some of my favorite brands! I’m a strong believer that social media marketing is the best tool to advertise your work and your brand. It’s also a great interactive tool to stay connected to my audience. As a small business, it’s important to me that my clients and collaborators see that they are working with a human, not a corporation.

9: What advice would you give to other businesses and entrepreneurs who want to use social media as a way to connect with customers?

My best advice is to use it as a portfolio. Be very intentional about what you post and how you interact with your audience. Make sure it’s true to yourself and the values of your business. Be consistent and you will soon see your social media platforms flourish!

I have a blog post where I grouped all of my best advice to be successful on social media.

A Little More About Didi

My name is Didi, I’m from Montreal, QC (Canada). People are often surprised by my age, but I’m 22 years old. Never too young to be an entrepreneur!

I studied business (I’m a human resources major) and worked as a talent acquisition specialist before launching my Calligraphy business. Although I’m more of an introvert, I’m definitely a people’s person, which I think is a plus, being an entrepreneur. I care a lot about diversity and have always used my platforms to champion racial and gender equality.

Fun Fact: I’m a huge Beyoncé fan!

Connect With Didi


Know Any Voss Babes?

Do you know a female entrepreneur who loves social media as much as we do? Contact us today — we’d love to tell her story!

