Voss Babe Female Entrepreneur Series — Valla Reid, Owner Of Valla’s Malas


For many entrepreneurs and small businesses, social media can be an absolute game-changer! All it takes is one viral post and a business can suddenly take off.

At Like A Voss Social Media, we’re highlighting local businesses and entrepreneurs who are killing the online game. This week’s spotlight is on Valla Reid, Owner of Valla’s Malas!

Valla’s Malas is a Canadian sourced holistic genuine crystal and gemstone jewelry and 108-bead meditation malas.

Valla’s Malas is a lifestyle brand motivated to help individuals find their inner peace. Each piece is hand-crafted and infused with light, love, healing, and Reiki to suit your unique spiritual journey.

Our CEO Mandi interviewed Valla about her secret to success in business and in life. We also got some awesome insights into what they think makes social media such an effective tool in business.

A Little Bit About Being a Female Entrepreneur

1: How long have you been in business?

5 years.

2: What made you decide to start Valla’s Malas?

Through meditation I have found the healing power of crystals and gemstones. That led to making meditation Malas and healing crystal jewelry.

3: What do you love most about being a female entrepreneur?

Connecting with clients who are looking to manifest balance and peace in their lives.

4: What is the hardest thing you have had to overcome as a female entrepreneur?

Getting out of my own way and putting myself out there.

5: What is one thing about working in the healing industry that people would be surprised to learn?

That we are all just made of energy, and when our energy centers are in balance we are happier, healthier and more at peace.

And Now Onto The Social Media Questions!

6: Do you have a favorite social media platform? Why?

Instagram for the visual aspect.

7: What made you decide to start using social media as a way to promote your company?

I noticed how people responded to personal posts and thought that would be a good way to promote my business.

8: How has social media impacted your business? Would you say that it’s an effective marketing tool?

Yes for sure. People can just reach out and inquire or purchase a product. It helps reach people you would have never met otherwise.

9: What advice would you give to other businesses and entrepreneurs who want to use social media as a way to connect with customers?

Learn about the platform from a professional before you just wing it.

Connect with Valla




Email: vallasmalas@gmail.com

Know Any Voss Babes?

Do you know a female entrepreneur who loves social media as much as we do? Contact us today — we’d love to tell her story!

