Voss Boss Entrepreneur Spotlight — Ruth Wynne, Owner of The Tea Thief


For many entrepreneurs and small businesses, social media can be an absolute game-changer! All it takes is one viral post and a business can suddenly take off.

At Like A Voss Inc, we’re highlighting local businesses and entrepreneurs who are killing the online game. This week’s spotlight is on Ruth Wynne — Owner of The Tea Thief!

The Tea Thief is shaking up the way you think about tea!

Whilst searching for caffeine free alternatives whilst going through fertility treatment we realised how many wonderful healthy beneficial teas were around the world from ancient shamanic herbs to ayurvedic remedies.

Based in Auckland, New Zealand we are dedicated to enhancing lives through experiencing our premium teas.

Our values are to ensure we only buy directly from growers or from suppliers who we know are ethical with sustainable practises to provide Organic and Wild teas & to ensure every tea is beneficial for your health, body, mind & spirit.

Our CEO Mandi interviewed Ruth about her secret to success in business and in life. We also got some awesome insights into what they think makes social media such an effective tool in business.

A Little Bit About Being an Entrepreneur

1: How long have you been in business?

Just over 2 years.

2: What made you decide to break away from the 9–5 and start The Tea Thief?

I’ve been working as a freelance contractor in the events and entertainment industry since I started my working life so it’s never really been a 9–5, however it took me being made redundant from an events producer role, (which was my first ever full time salaried role) to take stock and think about what I really wanted to do, which was to own my own business, be my own boss and make the decisions for the business without having to get any approval! My Husband and I co-founded the business so that we could do something that we loved and that would serve to help others too.

3: What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?

I get to make all of the decisions and I’ve learnt so much about business! I get to choose how I spend my time and energy. My favourite part of the business is researching plant remedies, then tasting, blending and coming up with awesome new blends I’m super proud of.

4: What is the hardest thing you have had to overcome as an entrepreneur?

Motivation and focus which takes a lot of hard work and working through challenges without all of the resources that a typical 9–5 job would have on hand. Oh and not having a regular paycheck!

5: What is one thing about working in the tea industry that people would be surprised to learn?

There is so much admin work! I wish it was all just tasting tea all day and coming up with new ideas.

And Now Onto The Social Media Questions!

6: Do you have a favorite social media platform? Why?

Instagram, probably because I’m very much a visual person and I’m easily drawn in by an eye catching (or super cute animal) image.

7: What made you decide to start using social media as a way to promote your company?

I could see how Instagram was growing and how impactful visual content can be in attracting the right customers.

8: How has social media impacted your business? Would you say that it’s an effective marketing tool?

I’ve found that we have gained a great tribe of wellness focused people who have similar values. I’m finding that we are able to reach more people through social media (mainly Instagram). Also making friends along the way. We run Instagram/Facebook ads which have helped us to gain new wholesale customers and reach a wider customer base. It’s really awesome to connect with other business owners to build a supportive local network.

9: What advice would you give to other businesses and entrepreneurs who want to use social media as a way to connect with customers?

It’s a valuable tool, it seems people have such short attention spans these days that anything visual has so much more of an impact than something like a newsletter. It also gives you the ability to connect with your customers instantly and gain feedback from them.

A Little More About Ruth

I’m also an actress, artist, ariel yoga & doga teacher (yoga with dogs). I’m British but live in New Zealand with my husband (also from the UK) Dave and our fur kids: Portia a Japanese Spitz and Henry an Ocicat.

Connect with Ruth

I love meeting new people and talking about tea so shoot me a DM and connect!


Know A Voss Boss?

Do you know a Voss Boss who loves social media as much as we do? Leave her name in the comments, and we’ll find her + get in touch. OR — leave your name, and we’ll hit you up. ❤

