Stop Having Moments of Worship, and Make Worshiping God Your Lifestyle

Sam Nzilili
Like Christ
Published in
6 min readMay 31, 2018

Man is designed to worship. If he doesn’t worship God, he worships something else; money, business, family, and the devil. Yes! People have become devil worshipers and they’re proud of it.

When I was not born again, and I had not seen the light of God in my life, I would sneak into a Church once in a while. And there were these times that the praise and worship leader would say, “let us have a moment of worship. Com’on, stand on your feet, let’s worship our God, He has done a lot for us, there must be a reason for you to worship this God, blah blah blah…..”

Of course, there’s always a reason to thank God. I knew there is a God somewhere. Even the strongest of all heathens believe that God is for real, otherwise, why would you campaign against something that doesn’t exist?

Then some slow music would start flowing from the piano, and everyone has their eyes closed and ready to worship God. This was the best moment for me in Church. I loved this part a lot more than the scripture and everything else. Worship. I’d sing my heart out to the Lord until I felt like the heavens were opening.

Then after the service is over, and am on my way home. I’d keep thinking to myself. I just had a moment of worship minutes ago. Where do I go next from there? What do I do throughout that following week and many other Sundays that I wouldn’t see a church door? The many days without a moment of worship?

This is a question every child of God should be asking themselves. And in those days I’d plan that I’ll be good from today henceforth. I want to remain with this feeling in my heart. The presence of the Lord in my heart made me feel alive. Awesome.

But before evening comes all is gone, and I’m back to my usual lifestyle; Bars and everything else.

Then I saw the light; I received the gift of salvation. And my life started to change.

I’m still young in salvation. And so there is still a lot I don’t know about the Kingdom. But, thanks to the Holy Ghost I’m learning a lot faster than I expected. Not bragging, just thankful!

After I got saved, I realized that I had no much to do with my life. I was losing friends. I would love to visit the bar and have a beer or two with them, but the Holy Spirit tells me, “No, you’re done with that kind of living.”

I could remember my weed smoking corners with my “friends,” I want to go there. I want to do something. I have nothing to do. My life sucks! I think to myself. Salvation is hard! Another stupid thought. What do I do?

Thousands of questions running through my head. I kept waiting for the “moments” of worship on Sunday and pour out my heart to Christ through singing.

I didn’t give up salvation, nor fall to the temptation of going back to my drinking and smoking zones. I kept my faith in God. After all, I had peace. Too much peace that I had never had before. I better be bored but in order. I’d tell myself.

Salvation is sweet. Within no time the Lord had given me a new family. People to feel love and care for. My life finally had a purpose.

Moment of Worship — What Is It?

But what is a moment of worship? Before you answer, I’ll tell you what it is. It is a wrong statement used by praise team leaders to lead people into singing worship songs in church.

As a born-again Christian. A redeemed Christian, a child of God. Worship should be your lifestyle. Worshiping God every second, minute and hour should be what we live for. I’m saying should be, because it is not what we live for. As the praise leaders always say when trying to persuade people to stand on their feet and worship, there is always a reason to worship.

If not something else, the gift of life.

Is Worship Your Lifestyle?

So, do you worship every second? Are you the “moment” of worship type, or a full-time worshiper?

In 2 Samuel 6:14, And David danced before the LORD with all his might…..

My emphasis here is not the dance, but how he did it. Remember David was a mighty ruler, a king. A mighty man. But he didn’t let his pride hold him from praising the Lord for His goodness. He danced for the Lord. He worshiped the Lord with all his might.

If you want to know if you are genuinely a full-time time worshiper, which you should be, ask yourself these four simple questions.

1. Am I afraid of proclaiming Jesus in public?

2. Am I striving to lead a righteous life in the absence of those who are aware of my salvation?

3. Do I read the scripture and pray every day?

4. Do I do good to please people or God?

Just but a few. There are many ways.

These are very simple questions, but crucial if you want to lead a life that glorifies God. Our lives should always be for the glory of God, at work, at home, as we eat, as we drink, and in everything that we do, 1 Corinthians 10:31.

We are called to worship God. That is the main reason we are saved; to serve the Lord God of Israel- Exodus 8:1. If you read the whole book of Exodus, you will realize that the main reason why God redeemed the children of Israel was to worship Him. Period.

So What Hinders Us From Being Full Time Worshipers?

So where do we get these “moments” of worship from?

I’ll tell you. From our laziness, and unwillingness to serve the Kingdom. To worship God for His unending love and faithfulness Psalm 115:1. We want God to do good to us, but we are not willing to do good for him.

We know what we should do, but we are not willing, we are reluctant from doing it. You know you should be an example of to the society. To represent Christ to the world like He is representing you before the Father in Heaven. But you cannot do this. Instead, we have become a disgrace before His eyes. We do 100% contrary to what He expects from us.

That is why we find it quite challenging to worship Him full time.

Man Is Made To Worship.

Man is designed to worship. Every living thing worships. And man, due to his rebellious nature, he refuses to worship the only true giver of life; God. The creator of heaven and earth and everything in it. The deserving of all beings. Revelation 4:11.

Man lives to worship. And this is the reason why the devil is holding us hostage through work and love for money, family, and other material things. If a man doesn’t worship God, he must find something else to adore; Because we are designed to worship. If not God, we worship our jobs, our money, our women, our children.

If your whole life is dedicated to your job and how you can continue to grow rich, then you’re a worshiper of jobs and money. If it’s family or women and men, that is what you worship. It is written that where your treasure is, so does your heart belong, Matthew 6:21.

Search Your Heart….

So, are you a full-time worshiper? Search your heart and answer that. If you are, then keep the flame burning. If you are not, it is time you stopped having moments of worship and make worshiping God your lifestyle.

