Too familiar, places.

Astral Bricks
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2 min readFeb 19, 2015


To Familiar Places.
Excitement of the moment subsides
feelings like changing tides
and a bit of time slips by
something familiar takes hold
a retreat to a place known, but untold,
the warmth of the cold.
Comfort Pain
All, places to go
Familiarity, it all becomes the same.
Monochrome and tame.
Comfort Pain.
Everyone around,
feigning interactions
momentary distractions
the smile feels real
all alone again.
Solitude, and the warmth
of the bubble i’m in
Mind expanding
Nothings worth standing
Comfort pain…

It’s this life’s drain
Can caring continue on
with the weights of the issues to solve
Yet, all still here…
… //[i’m]// …
Waiting, hiding
It seems it…
… time …
Nothing will dissolve
is it a momentary defeat
fleeting and incomplete,
the familiarity,
this blanket
Comfort Pain
monotonous and all the same;
wrapping up and covering me.
What’s all this fuss about
this life game …
Walking, talking,
Sleeping, smiling in
Comfort Pain
Below the façade
they’ll never know
it’s all the same.
Dreaming inside
of the grandeur
Reality hits
worlds collide
Feeling like small pieces of death inside
broken and scattered
life’s mirage tampered
a rut
a bubble
a Blanket
what’s it all worth
I’m safe
all wrapped up
in this stuff
getting rid of it
I can’t hate it enough
Comfort Pain,
have a seat.
When we become friends
maybe then
you’ll leave.
and who will sit with me
and silently grieve
Wrapped in a
of Internal Rain.

Bursting moments of sunshine, enjoy it while I can
Before it all comes crashing down again.

