Replacing Feature Solids with Parametric Solids

Bentley MicroStation
Like V8i, You’ll love CONNECT
4 min readNov 8, 2019

You like MicroStation V8i but…

In V8i you can create parametric, feature-based solids, using Feature Modeling tools. Parameters used to create features like chamfer, fillet, hole, etc., are stored in the design and can be edited using the Modify Parametric Solid or Feature tool. You can edit such solids by changing the parameters used to create them or by selecting them and using the handles to make changes interactively. You can manage the features using the Feature Manger tool.

However, feature modeling has certain limitations:

· You must work with multiple tool settings to create, edit and manage feature solids like the Feature Solids tool, Modify Parametric Solid or Feature, Feature Manager, Parameter sets, etc.

· Constraints cannot be applied to 3D elements.

Constraint markers are not very intuitive.

Assigning variables, equations and expressions is complicated and time-consuming due to lack of a consolidated tool to create and manage variables and variations of a feature solid.

Parametric Cell

· Input elements used to create solids, cannot be accessed directly on solids for modification. You must access the contextual menu on specific handles to modify the element’s properties.

· Feature Manager dialog — a separate Feature Manager dialog is used to view and manage features. Element Information dialog does not display any feature or constraint information.

· Feature Cell — parametric geometries are placed as feature cells. Feature cells cannot be placed as shared cells. Any variations to the cells can be applied only through the Edit Feature Cell dialog and cannot be managed in the Element Information dialog.

You’ll Love MicroStation CONNECT Edition because…

MicroStation CONNECT Edition provides advanced parametric modeling features which greatly simplify the workflow of creation, modification, placement and animation of complex parametric geometries.

· Solids Ribbon tab — All solid features creation and modification tools have been consolidated in the Solids ribbon tab for convenient access.

· Variables dialog — allows creation and management of variables and variations at a single location. Equations can be easily defined in the Expression builder dialog accessible from within the Variables dialog.

· Constraint support has been extended to 3D elements, (Solids and Surfaces).

· Profile sketches or input elements can be accessed and modified directly on elements.

· Properties dialog can handle all functions that are taken care of by the Feature Manager and Edit Feature Cell dialog, like editing values of parametric elements and sketches, reordering feature priority, deleting or disabling features, etc.

· The user-friendly interface represents geometric and dimensional constraint markers and profile information like Degree of Freedom count, clearly and conveniently on the parametric elements.

Parametric Cells — parametric components can be created on models that can be placed as parametric cells. Once placed, different variations of the same cell can be applied from the Properties dialog or the Variables dialog.
Below video shows different variations of a bolt for different sizes, with and without the bottom hole feature.

Parametric Bolt with Split Pin Hole

· Light weight instances — Instances of complex parametric cells are efficient and light weight when placed and can be easily managed from the Variables dialog.

· Interactive Assemblies — It is possible to create interactive assemblies of parametric elements with other elements, where distance between them can be given a dimension constraint. Elements thus constrained, adjust to variations of the parametric elements.


Animation — Applied 3D constraints are respected while animating the constrained geometries.

Sliding door

· Parametric cells behave as Shared cells when placed, which means the cell definition is stored in the DGN file and subsequent placement of these cells does not need the cell library to be attached again.

Parametric cell demo


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Bentley MicroStation
Like V8i, You’ll love CONNECT

MicroStation is used by the world’s leading infrastructure professionals for design, documentation, and visualization of projects of any scale and complexity.