LikeCoin Monthly, Oct 2018 — The best (UX) is yet to come

The foundation has organized the fifth “Reinventing the Like” campaign in October, and for the first time provided rewards for readers to stimulate registration. This is a temporary cure before the permanent solution, a simplified registration process, is released in November.


Related links: Sept report | Aug report | Buy/Sell LIKE | 中文版

1. Ecosystem Development

Collaboration with Animoca Brands

The Foundation has secured an investment on LikeCoin from and established a strategic collaboration with Animoca Brands. Animoca Brands is a renowned game developer and publisher. Listed in Australia with the ticker AB1, Animoca Brands has in recent years engaged in the rapid development of blockchain by, for example, investing in Cryptokittes publisher Dapper Labs and publishing Cryptokittes in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Supporting #NEWPALMYRA Campaign

The purpose of #NEWPALMYRA is an effort to reconstruct the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria, which was destroyed by ISIS, in virtual space. Digital tools are used to preserve heritage sites. #NEWPALMYRA ties together artists, architects, archaeologists, researchers and others to uncover evidence, rebuild ruins, create new artworks, and encourage the display of cultural influence through the lens of constructions and buildings by cooperation with museum and exhibitions around the world.

The LikeCoin Foundation appreciates and supports #NEWPALMYRA. From October and for twelve months, a monthly reward of LikeCoin will be given to the creators of 3D models and other artworks of Palmyra. The subjects of October and November are the Temple of Al-lat and the Tower of Elahbel respectively.

The Elahbel Tower, generously provided by Marin Pette under a CC-BY license.

Reinventing the Like Campaign

In October the LikeCoin Foundation held the fifth “Reinventing the Like” campaign. In order to encourage readers to register for a LikeCoin ID, LikeCoin was gifted to participating readers for the first time. A total of 565 creators and 593 registered readers have participated, showing a growth of 29% and 72% respectively from the previous campaign.

However, even when registration is incentivized, data shows 2/3 of the users who started registration didn’t complete the process, reconfirming the registration experience being too complicated for layman. As such, the team has spent a month to simplify the flow, allowing registration of LikeCoin to be done in a minute, regardless of computer or mobile.

The change also solves the current platform support issue and allows Safari and mobile browsers to log in, so that users can Like creative contents from various platforms.

Following the simplified registration process, mandatory login will be enforced before Liking creative contents. It helps combat Like spamming and make crowd-judging a fair process.

When facing the bottleneck of crypto-wallets, the foundation has successfully increased the amount of registered users to above 1000.

2. Technological developments


The internal preview of LikeChain has been on going in October. The preview includes four fundamental features: registration, transfer, deposit and withdrawal. Over the last month three nodes were added to LikeChain, and the team plans to kick off the first security audit on the LikeChain by December. If you are interested in becoming one of the first batch of nodes of LikeChain, please contact us by November 23.

LikeChain is completely open-source. Codes and documents are available on Github for interested developers.

LikeCoin WordPress plugin

The plugin has been updated to 1.1.4 to stay compatible with the upcoming WordPress 5.0. Testing are being done to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress changes, notably the all new block-based editor Gutenberg.

Due to the development of bottom layer of the LikeChain and the simplification of the registration process, the front end of puttyimages and oice was not updated.

3. Community and others



  • Our first Webinar was held on Youtube, and our team member Nick explained how to install MetaMask, register for a LikeCoin ID and include a LikeButton to your creation.


kin presenting LikeCoin in g0v Summit 2018 (left) and WordCamp Manchester.


For the past 6 months, the LikeCoin community has not only grown in numbers but also become more active and passionate. It is especially obvious in October, with more articles on LikeCoin written by community than by the core team:

Don’t miss out. Stay informed on LikeCoin.

Related links: Sept report | Aug report | Buy/Sell LIKE | 中文版



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LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Earthling. Founder of @likecoin & DHK dao. Writer at . Published “The Sociology of Blockchain, reimagining money, media and democracy.”.