LikeCoin Community Call Minutes #202202

LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
7 min readFeb 9, 2022

The 1st community meeting for the year of Tiger, Happy Chinese New Year!

depub.SPACE Red Pocket

There are two campaigns ( #decentralizehk 好康,團拜領取 88,888 LikeCoin 紅包 and the Twiter campaign) on depub.SPACE for getting red pocket, get them before running out!


The date of dirdrop claim will happen on Feb 21, the information will outreach to the communities in the next two weeks.


Airdrop Phrase II promotion — Twitter campaign

Launched Twitter influencer campaign for those who did not qualify for the airdrop with Twitter handle @CosmosEcosystem, and will also work with other KOLs within the Cosmos Twitter space. The airdrop news can ripple through Twitter, being capitalized and get some more new people coming into LikeCoin. Perhaps they weren’t eligible for the airdrop but could still add value to the community. Bonus will be given to participants if they are converted into depub.SPACE.

Co-Marketing campaign

Partnership with Starname

Starname is a personalized identify in the blockchain world, come and claim your *LIKE domain starting on Feb 8.

NFT project with Atogail Forests

Atogail Forests is an ecosystem restoration and carbon credit related NFT project, the NFT will be able to generate some carbon credits which means taking carbon dioxide from the air and can sell it as real value to polluting companies. The campaign will reserve white list for the LikeCoin community and Atogail will have ecological reporting based on the land that they are going to be using for their project and they will post that information into ISCN, their NFT potentially will also have a lot of metadata e.g. How much carbon they’ve sequestered. Atogail Forests will explore with LikeCoin to see how they can potentially use LikeCoin for that metadata.

Desmos Network

On depub.SPACE, users can connect to Desmos Profile. Will reach out to Desmos Network for co-marketing campaigns and lower the entry barrier for people to use $LIKE and $DSM.


Explore writing contest via Hackernoon, awaiting campaign start estimates.

Content Strategy

  • Top funnel content: Focusing on who LikeCoin are, what are our purpose, what is DePub and there will be some incentive campaigns to generate engagement.
  • Retention: How dApp is actually used in reality, showcase dApps and on LikeCoin and case studies.
  • Upkeep: Maintain the community by proposal updates, depub.SPACE wrap-ups and DEX pool updates.


More operational details including petty cash proposal for execution on giveaway campaign and the semi-auto payout proposal to Irtysh Digital (Jan-Mar) can be found and discussed on LikeCoin Discord #marketing channel. If anyone wants to be a part of the marketing working group please do raise hand in the Discord channel.


Liker Land Update


WordPress Plugin version 2.5 new feature of native support for the new Getunburg post editor is ready and will have a revamped user experience for publishing to DePub and ISCN easily. The auto publishing to Matter is still there and will support more platforms in the future e.g. Medium. The plugin is under testing and is ready on the WordPress repository and can be tested out with advance setting.

Civic Liker Web3

Civic Liker will evolve to a Web3 version, it is a movement to reward creators by clicking on the widely adopted LikeCoin button. Readers distribute their LikeCoin budget by giving Likes (clap) and also vote on the distribution of the public fund called “Creators Fund”. The old Civic Liker scheme has been running for three years which allows readers to subscribe to a monthly plan by their credit cards. The game rule is going to change so that the user does not need to donate by fiat money but by staking LikeCoin. In the new scheme supporters can distribute their stake rewards by giving Likes. Subscriber can delegate their LikeCoin to a specific Civic Liker node. This note will have a high commission rate e.g. 100% and all these commissions will be used for rewarding the creators. New Civic Liker registration has been stopped on February 4. The tentative launch day for this Web3 version of Civic Liker is Feb 21, which is the same date that LikeCoin Airdrop begins. Some Civic Likers will be interested to delegate their LikeCoin that they get in the Airdrop and continue to become a Civic Liker. More details to follow.

LikeCoin nodes on Cosmos Ecosystem

Liker Land is up as a validator in Osmosis, the reasons are for testing IBC related stuff and a valuable experience to expose to the Cosmos community. Part of the rewards that gained from the node will be contributed back to the LikeCoin community as well. Feel free to delegate your $OSMO to Liker Land.


  • Starling Lab: In discussion with them for a few months and finally kick off some of the engine to be part of their projects. Starling Lab is a group of media plus technical community from New York Times, Adobe and working on photo journalism on Web3. They are exploring how they can register content to ISCN in terms of their projects.
  • Numbers: Numbers Protocol integration with their capture app, which they are trying to register photos on ISCN as well.
  • Matters: Working towards integrating ISCN to

Oursky update

Setting up the automated pipelines for building the binaries and the NFT module, and will work on the wallet prefix changes, implementing a custom solution to use both cosmos1 and like1 wallet addresses to sign and transfer transactions. Next month will focus on testnet setup.

Q1 dev roadmap

  • Work on wallet prefix solution.
  • Cosmosvisor is an automatic upgrade tool. When raising a chain upgrade proposal, Cosmosvisor will detect the proposal and timestamp and result and automatically switch the chain binaries to a later version. Together with the automated binaries build made by Oursky, a much easier chain upgrade process will be implemented compared to the upgrade to FoTan, which is a benefit to the validators from different time zones. Validator doesn’t have to online during upgrade and it will work automatically
  • The current Cosmos SDK version is 0.42 and will reach the end of support in this quarter or this year. Will look for upgrading to the current mainstream version with 0.44. Time will be spent on performance testing.
  • NFT module.

#CDC — community-delegation-committee

  • History: Community Delegation Committee is established from the proposal 20, supporting validators who contribute to the community, secure the network and counter the inflation for the community fund. The communication channel of CDC is on Discord #apply-for-delegation, community fund applications results and announcements are released on the channel. Important messages were on the pinned posts so that everyone can refer to them.
  • Application Procedure: Every 15th of each month, validators can apply for community delegation, the result will be announced on the 21st and distribute funds on/before the 23rd.
  • Multisig Wallet: After proposal 26 passed, the CDC has a multisig wallet to manage the funding, the wallet address is available for public checking. There are around 101M LIKE in the multisig wallet. Rewards received from last month were about 420,000 LIKE.
  • Current Delegation: Currently there are 18 validators eligible for the Community Delegation, 17 of them got the normal delegation and 1 of them got the high delegation. The High Delegation is for those who have extraordinary contribution to the community. After getting Normal Delegation for 3th months, validators can apply for High Delegation.
  • Enhancement: Even proposal 32 was rejected, there is a lot of discussion on the CDC. A comprehensive and official response will need more time to be constructed but among those discussions, some of them will be adopted by the CDC: 1. For the upcoming approval round, those validators who apply for the community delegation and are a CDC will excuse themselves from the vote. 2. CDC will create an official Discord identify for public communication.

#CFC — Creators Fund Committee

Objectives: Decide the amount of budget to be released to creators daily based on Civic Likers’ contribution.


  • Adjusted the daily budget from 10,000 to 20,000 LIKE on 5th Jan.
  • Discussed the principle and plan of creators fund matching, after Civic Liker stops supporting credit card payment.
  • Publish the news about CFC’s decision in various channels such as Liker.Social and Matters to increase transparency of the public fund usage.

Decision Made

  • Frequency of budget adjustment is once a month
  • Principle (before Civic Liker Web3) — 1:1 matched with Civic Liker’s contribution in USD last month. If the monthly budget is different from last month contribution by more than 15%, the budget will be adjusted
  • Principle (after Civic Liker Web3) — 1:1 matched with the stake reward of the Civic Liker’s node last month. If the monthly budget is different from last month stake reward by more than 15%, the budget will be adjusted


  • Raised a community-pool-spend proposal, Proposal #35 to apply for a 3 months budget for creators fund).

LikeCoin Grants

LikeCoin Grants wrapped up last year and supposedly another proposal will be raised to continue the journey. The initial thought is to make some changes to narrow down the scope. Previously the LikeCoin Grants was for approving budget for product development, marketing and archive content but it is to bold for committee member to approve on everything therefore it will be narrow down to a tech sub-DAO which only focus on funding technical development of LikeCoin chain and leave other elements such as marketing and content preservation and content creation to other sub-DAO. The new structure will be proposed to the community within the month.


Liker Land is hiring for tech and non-technical roles.


Beside depub.SPACE, Snappblock is also avaialble from the LikeCoin Grants, feel free to check them out and play around with.

Next community call

LikeCoin community call is scheduled on the first Monday every month.

The next meeting will be held on 2022.03.07 (Mon) at 1030 GMT in

We will be sharing more updates and news about Decentralized Publishing in the coming months, do follow us on social media!



LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

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