LikeCoin New Wallet Address Format: The Story of “like1”.

Bi-weekly update. 2022.04.01.

Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing


5 min readApr 1, 2022


🔎 Focus Story

Migration to like1 wallet prefix

The LikeCoin wallet address will soon be migrated to like1 from cosmos1, with backward compatibility of cosmos1. The development has been in the final stage. What is the story behind such move, and how Likers can benefit from it?

It Started with Cosmos SDK…

On 15th November 2019, LikeCoin upgraded from ERC-20 to a chain built on Cosmos SDK, and became one of the first Cosmos-based blockchains. At the outset, the development team decided to use cosmos1, which was the same as Cosmos Hub’s native token ATOM, as LikeCoin’s address prefix. However, Cosmos and IBC blockchains' booming led to different address prefixes, e.g., osmo1 from Osmosis, demos1 from Desmos, and it has become a norm in the Cosmos community. Keeping cosmos1 as its prefix, LikeCoin fell behind its counterparts and faced many difficulties in integrating with other Cosmos-based ecosystems.

Technical Tests

Since the passing of proposal #33, the dev teams from Liker Land and Oursky have been working on solutions to support both cosmos1 and like1 prefixes to ensure backward compatibility. The chain upgrade may affect LikeCoin’s functionalities on various systems, including Keplr, BigDipper,, Ledger, CLI, validator nodes and Liker Land App, a lot of testing and debugging are needed before the updated prefix can be made available.

Integrating with the rest of the Cosmos Ecosystem

When the integration of prefixes is complete, each wallet with $LIKE will be given a like1 address that can easily integrate with the other tools in the Cosmos ecosystem, e.g., Keplr wallet and which supports both mobile and website versions, as well as the other blockchain tools such as Cosmostation, Mintscan, ATOMScan, and Cosmoscan.

LikeCoin Chain Upgrade

likecoin-public-testnet-4 is in full swing. The tentative upgrade processes are as follows:

  • Last week of March — Upgrade proposal will be submitted to testnet. Validators can perform upgrade tests by using Cosmosvisor.
  • 2nd and 3rd weeks of April — Upgrade to Cosmos SDK 0.44, and introduce dual prefixes.
  • 4th week of April — LikeCoin NFT module will be ready on testnet.

Thanks for the support from validators, which helps to improve LikeCoin’s safety and functionality.

📚DePub Applications


depub.SPACE has been revamped and enhanced:

  • Browse by topics and categories: More topics and categories have been added so that users can browse and search different contents with ease.
  • Trending contents: Hot topics are shown.
  • Night mode: Same interface design, but more eye-friendly and comfortable reading at night.
  • Log out: Users can switch to other accounts easily.
  • LikeCoin Faucet: New users with no LikeCoin balance can use LikeCoin Faucet to get some LIKE and try out depub.SPACE.

Try depub.SPACE today and enjoy the decentralized version of Twitter, depub to IPFS, and the brand new form of publishing on the blockchain! You can visit LikeCoin FAQ for the tutorial.

🤖 LikeCoin in Cosmos

Superfluid Staking: Bond assets to the LikeCoin node

Osmosis has activated superfluid staking on Pool 1 — ATOM/OSMO, Pool 560 — UST/OSMO, and Pool 561 — LUNA/OSMO. Users can earn rewards from liquidity mining and get extra rewards from Superfluid Staking. You are most welcome to choose LikeCoin validator node for your Superfluid Validator, enabling us to support creative works with staking rewards.

【Trivia】What is Superfluid Staking?

Superfluid Staking is the latest function exclusively on Osmosis. Users can bond their assets in an Osmosis liquidity pool for 14 days and at the same time, stake a portion of the bonded OSMO to a validator and earn staking rewards. However, users can pick one validator only in Superfluid Staking, and they cannot exercise their voting right, as it will be delegated to their validator accordingly. Therefore, please pick a validator you trust for Superfluid Staking.

Liquidity Mining — Double Incentives

After passing proposal #164 by the Osmosis community, participants who use Pool 553 — LIKE/ATOM and Pool 555 — LIKE/OSMO for liquidity mining can enjoy substantial double incentives from both OSMO and LIKE. We will keep you posted weekly with various figures. Please follow LikeCoin’s Twitter account for more updates. You can also click here for the guide of liquidity mining.

🗳LikeCoin DAO Updates

Passed Proposals

Proposal #39: Tech Subdao to pick up outstanding work of proposal 33

Proposal #40: Deposit 2,000,000 LIKE to Tech Subdao multisig wallet

Proposal #41: Change Inflation Rate from 25% to 100%

Proposal #42: Community-spend proposal: deposit 1,000,000 LIKE to Marketing Subdao multi-sig wallet

Proposal #43: [Rectify proposal 42] Community-spend proposal: deposit 1,000,000 LIKE to Marketing Subdao multi-sig wallet

Civic Liker Web3

Make sure the check your email! All Civic Liker Web3 POAP badges have already been distributed to eligible likers via email.

🎯 Career

If you are interested in decentralized publishing, building Web 3 media tools, and NFT economy, LikeCoin is hiring for tech and non-technical positions with referral bonuses. Join us today! Learn more.

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Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Core team @LikeCoin | Transforming the content industry through decentralized publishing. #DePub