LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.02.22

Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
4 min readFeb 25, 2021

The LikeCoin developer community is on full engine returning from the Chinese New Year holidays. We have reached 500 members on Discord!

Join Discord:

LikeCoin chain statistics‌

(Difference from 2021.02.01)


*LikeCoin chain update

  • Working on ISCN module upgrade, rewriting module in Protobuf and GRPC format
  • We shall do a sharing on the Cosmos Stargate upgrade summary and things to know on the upcoming LikeCoin chain upgrade in the next community meeting

* Bug Fix

  • Fixed outdated cache setting, LikeCoin chain API, LikeCoin API, and LikeCoin button performance is now improved.

*Upcoming features

  • We improved cookie security settings as suggested by xfer. This change will allow users to use and LikeCoin button as per usual while reducing the risk of XSS attack.

*UI & Design

  • Completed the ISCN plugin UX/UI design

Working team: Chung, (Liker Land, Blockchain developer), ​William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)‌, ​​David Ng (Liker Land, Frontend Developer)‌

LikeCoin chain governance

  • Proposal #9 was passed. It is a signaling proposal to delegate the team holding LIKE to the ecology.
  • Join the next monthly community meeting on Monday, 1st March 2021, 10:30 am GMT, 6:30 pm GMT+8

Meeting link:


Join Discord if you have comments on the agenda items.

Community managers: Daisy (Marketing volunteer), Guanyun (Validator), Leafwind (Validator)

Civic Liker

  • Consolidated app feature requirements about changing the app referral bonus CTA to Civic Liker related CTA
  • Roll out new monthly report email. This is the first time to send this new report out, delayed for 1 week due to technical issues.
  • Outreach to creators to gather comments about Civic Liker 2.0

Statistics‌ and Insights

  • No significant change in Civic Liker onboard conversion rate, expect to have some changes after two major updates: 1) creator’s pitch and 2) price list layout.
  • (bi-weekly) Creators page pageviews: 1947 (-7.9%), sponsor links ([Liker ID]/civic) page view: 12,895 9997 (+29%). Active creators: 7355(+1.3%)
  • (bi-weekly) New app download : 488 (+13.8%), app active users: 1470(+0.8%)
  • Civic Liker total: 1742; 38 new registrations in last two weeks
  • Social media (executed by community helper Daisy): Facebook engagement rate was 4% and reach was 768, the best post was LikeCoin anniversary, engage rate 7% and 2,823 reaches.



  • Completed Year of OX Red Packet giveaways campaign, distributed 9,880 LikeCoin red pockets in a random amount to 190 attendances, the number of members in discord channel increased to 509 users.

* Bug Fix

  • Discussed and tested the 2FA UI/UX improvement implemented by Authcore. Now the whole 2FA UX should be less confusing.
  • Fixed an issue where Civic Liker 2.0 server events was not implemented properly, which prevented monthly report email from reporting some of the information difference correctly. These event logs and user data will be fixed starting from this month.

*App Bug Fix

  • Upgraded Android target API version for performance and compatibility improvement.

*UI/UX Design

  • Completed the monthly report design
  • Completed UI for creator pitch
  • Reviewed Civic Liker and UX and designed several UI for improvement and A/B test.

Working team: Edmond (Liker Land, Operations & Marketing), ​William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)‌, David Ng (Liker Land, Frontend Developer)‌ and JoshKIU (Liker Land, UX Designer)

WordPress Plugin

*Upcoming plugin features

  • New ISCN related feature UI design is ready and will be implemented in the upcoming weeks.
  • ISCN release is planned to be released after UI improvement on ISCN widget and plugin UI are done.

Working team:William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer), David Ng (Liker Land, Frontend Developer)‌ and JoshKIU (Liker Land, UX Designer)

Browser extension

LikeCoin button can be shown under Youtube video!

*New feature

  • LikeCoin button is available on Youtube. The feature is developed by the community member guanyun for the LikeCoin Chrome browser plugin. YouTubers can now earn LikeCoin by Likes from their fans.
  • See the demo video below.

Get the LikeCoin Chrome extension or Firefox extension to unlock the Youtube feature.

Working team: William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer), Guanyun (Validator/developer)

Website | Block Explorer | Discord | Twitter | Telegram

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Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Core team @LikeCoin | Transforming the content industry through decentralized publishing. #DePub