LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.03.22

Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
3 min readMar 24, 2021

Thanks to the 227 contributors who supported us on Gitcoin Round 9! Each support meant a lot to us.

LikeCoin chain statistics‌

(Difference from 2021.03.08)


LikeCoin Chain updates

  • Working on ISCN module upgrade, planning to make some changes on the ISCN spec (mainly adopt JSON-LD, also redefine some fields)
  • Completed the design of ISCN identity and badge updates

  • Fixed a stability issue that causes all LikeCoin API to timeout in some rare case when our data warehouse is down.
  • Improved some LikeCoin button and like statistic-related APIs’ performance. Upgraded and reorganized data warehouse cluster structure.

Working team
Chung, (Liker Land, Blockchain developer)
William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
JoshKIU (Liker Land, UX Designer)

Civic Liker


  • Explore the list of YouTubers in Hong Kong and Taiwan who may be interested in the new LikeCoin chrome plugin. Reach out to a few of them to test the pitch.
  • Ally with two media platforms for setting a default Liker ID for new bloggers on board, and for the existing bloggers that are without a Liker ID.
  • Published two articles, one about the focus of openness of LikeCoin, another about product design of Civic Liker 2.0

Statistics‌ and Insights

  • Several A/B test result has been deployed, included changing the icon design and creator’s banner on the sponsor link landing page. There is no significant improvement on the first step conversion rate, however.
  • (bi-weekly) Creators page pageviews: 1772 (-11.3%), sponsor links ([Liker ID]/civic) page view: 17011 (+19.9%). Active creators: 11960 (+64%), the impulse seems to be suspicious, maybe due to a bug in button implementation on some platforms, need further investigation.
  • (bi-weekly) New app download : 392 (-5%), app active users: 1335 (-3%)
  • Civic Liker total: 1735
  • Social media (executed by community helper Daisy): Facebook engagement rate was 4% and reach was 410.


  • Fixed an issue that causes Civic Liker v1 migration message to pop up wrongly on expired Civic Liker v2 user.
  • Fixed an issue that an expired credit card might prevent users from purchase/renew Civic Liker.
  • Now we will automatically attempt to retry Civic Liker subscription payment when you have updated an expired credit card.
  • Completed Civic Liker icon
  • Followed up on A/B test
  • Completed the design of tips and instructions for empty portfolio

Notification Email

  • Layout design and text confirmed, under development, and target to roll out in the coming week

Working team
William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
JoshKIU (Liker Land, UX Designer)

Browser extension

New feature

  • Add multi-language support
  • Improved LikeCoin button UI and wording when injected in Youtube

Working team
William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
David (Liker Land, Frontend Developer)
Guanyun (Validator/Developer)

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Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Core team @LikeCoin | Transforming the content industry through decentralized publishing. #DePub