LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.04.12

Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
3 min readApr 15, 2021

LikeCoin chain number of transactions is reaching 1 million upon chain upgrade!

LikeCoin chain statistics‌

(Difference from 2021.03.22)


LikeCoin Chain updates

  • ISCN module development basically finished, now testing
  • Checking changes on Cosmos SDK upgrade (node setup, REST routes, state migration, new functionalities, etc), working on procedures/documents for migrating to and working on the new chain
  • Need to work on IPFS plugin for IPLD

Working team
Chung (Liker Land, Blockchain Developer)


  • Working on adding white and dark ISCN badge options on the WordPress plugin, which will allow users to choose the style of the badge they want to show on their WordPress websites.
  • Confirmed the first ISCN demo case — a special news photo library. Inviting Media partners to participate in building this library, has got the consent of two partners, and reaching out more.

Liker Land app

  • Fixed issue unable to redelegate or undelegate all amount, will be released in version 0.20.7
  • Fixed an issue where the like count statistics might misalign between matters and other platforms.
  • Improved usability and security of register and update API by splitting avatar upload endpoint.
  • Brainstormed and discussed UI revamp to enhance creators UX


  • We have integrated the LikeCoin chain with Kelpr wallet through lunie-light chain explorer. A working demo can be found here. We are looking for developers and maintainers to host or further develop this chain explorer to fit the needs of the LikeCoin ecosystem.

Working team
William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
David (Liker Land, Frontend Developer)
Shelly (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
Wei (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
JoshKIU (Liker Land, UX Designer)
Edmond (Liker Land, Operation)

Civic Liker

Statistics‌ and Insights

  • Statistics of 2021 Q1 have been released. All KPI is moving flat in general, the Civic Liker 2.0 attempt did not provide new momentum in this quarter.
  • The number of users who have joined Civic Liker 2.0 is 411 till this moment, around 25% of the total number.
  • The number of active creators is increasing in Q1 but the data may have been affected by improper LikeCoin button implementation by one of our media partners. The case is being investigated.
  • Social media (executed by community helper Daisy): Facebook engagement rate was 5% and reach was 675.

  • Civic Liker page was revamped. The new design would provide more information about the subscription. Content creators and some suggested articles would also appear. Hopefully, this would encourage more new users to join.
  • We are working on bringing back the Civic Liker 1.0 of distributing LIKE on each click of like into our new subscription model. This would be a user-configurable option. Stay tuned!
  • Civic Liker icon was completed, will apply to correspond UI progressively

Working team
William (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
David (Liker Land, Frontend Developer)
JoshKIU (Liker Land, UX Designer)



Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Core team @LikeCoin | Transforming the content industry through decentralized publishing. #DePub