LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.10.25

IBC enabled. $LIKE on Osmosis.

LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
2 min readOct 26, 2021


LikeCoin chain statistics‌

(Difference from 2021.10.11)

Block Explorer:

LikeCoin chain updates

  • IBC transfer enabled
  • Setup IBC channels with Osmosis and Cosmos Hub respectively
  • Setup relayer for the above channels using Hermes and Go relayer
  • ts-relayer does not work on Osmosis, we are investigating this, hopefully fix it, PR to the original repo and setup ts-relayer as an alternative relayer for robustness
  • Performance of the new stargate API endpoint /cosmos/txs has been improved
  • Fixed an issue with huge transaction that de-synced our indexer that is serving /txs and /cosmos/txs endpoint
  • We have updated Keplr config and exposed additional node endpoint in out mainnet repo

🎯 Product Update

The Metadata Registry:

  • Redefined the label name of EXIF data
  • Organized the EXIF data and show it on the ISCN detail page

WordPress Plugin

  • Integration of admin pages front-end to React framework is finished and in QA phase
  • Design of the WordPress plugin was focused on LikeCoin Button and Civic Liker. Both will become Gutenberg blocks in the future, to improve user-friendliness on pages and posts editing

Liker Land App

Version v0.22.3 will be released this week, this update includes

  • Fixed incorrect APR calculation

🔧 Engineering Update

  • Applied iscn-js on like-co and iscn-batch-uploader
  • Fixed incorrect fee estimation of iscn-batch-uploader
  • Working on iscn-arweave-uploader, the script supports batch upload files from a local directory or IPFS to Arweave


  • We are now on Osmosis DEX! Please follow LikeCoin on Twitter to recieve the latest listing news. 🚀
  • Growing community discussing governance on Discord. Join Discord if you haven’t!

This update is bought to you by the Liker Land team.

Edmond (COO), Joshua (Design Lead), William (CTO), Chung (Blockchain Developer), Wei (Full Stack Developer), Shelly (Full Stack Developer), David (Frontend Lead), Aurora (Frontend Developer)

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