LikeCoin Progress Updates 2021.05.10

Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
3 min readMay 12, 2021

Keplr and Ledger nano support for registering/signing in LikerID are coming soon! LikeCoin chain number of transactions surpasses 1mil.

LikeCoin chain statistics‌

(Difference from 2021.04.27)


LikeCoin Chain updates

Working team
Chung (Liker Land, Blockchain Developer)

  • Fixed an issue where gas fee was not shown and checked before sending p2p transactions.
  • Keplr and Ledger nano support for registering/signing in LikerID PoC is complete and a release is on the way. Currently, we are still refining related UI/UX.

Working team
William (Liker land, Full Stack Developer)

LikeCoin button

  • Mitigated an issue where the LikeCoin button will repeatedly ask Firefox users to log in if Tracking Prevention strict mode is enabled.

Working team
William (Liker land, Full Stack Developer)

  • Current Civic Liker number: 1610
  • Fixed an issue where the user in the grace period cannot restart their subscription.
  • Fixed an issue where Civic Liker 2.0 does not re-enable support for previous creators after canceling and resubscribing Civic Liker 2.0.
  • Completed design of, included Civic Liker Classic and several UX improvement for both creators and Civic Likers

Working team
William (Liker land, Full Stack Developer)
JoshKIU (Liker Land, UX Designer)

WordPress Plugins

  • Finished allowing users to add white and dark ISCN badge options on WordPress plugin, which allows users to choose styles of the badges they want.
  • Added ISCN status column on WordPress post list admin page, allowing users to submit to ISCN more conveniently.

Working team
Shelly (Liker land, Full Stack Developer)

Liker Land app

  • Separated wallet info in settings tab to the new dashboard tab
  • Revamping reader UI/UX
  • Will implement in-app LikeCoin button

Working team
David (Liker land, Frontend Developer)

On evangelism and others

  • Carried out the “Our Lion Rock” NFT campaign with a Hong Kong photojournalist to leverage the public attention about NFT, relate the story to the ISCN’s applications as a metadata oracle. The auction was on OpenSea and ended on 7th May with 1.05 ETH final bidding price. Edmond spoke in a ClubHouse session for exposure.
  • Issued two press releases both in both Chinese and English versions to seek media’s coverage.
  • Working with civic volunteers to preserve public content by IPFS. The work is a piece in the ISCN story.
  • Following Gravity DEX development progress in Cosmos, in discussion with CEX listing and wallet integration.
  • Social media (executed by community helper Daisy): Facebook engagement rate was 4% and reach was 633. Posts with highest engagement rate of 6% were posts related to 《Our Lion Rock 我們的獅子山》#NFT

Working team
Edmond (Liker land, COO)
Phoebe (Liker land, BD)

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Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Core team @LikeCoin | Transforming the content industry through decentralized publishing. #DePub