LikeCoin Weekly Progress Update 2020.02.17

Liker Land extension quietly arrived Chrome and Firefox


Recording of LikeCoin meeting 2020.02.17

Welcome to join our next meeting


  • Chung, Michael, William, Tat, Edmond, Joshkiu, Aludirk, Kin, Heidi, yso…


  • Weekly update
  • dem of ISCN block data PoC, IPFS integrated with Cosmos SDK

Chung (Blockchain developer)

LikeCoin chain stats:

  • Number of Addresses: 6,997
  • Number of Transactions: 96,381
  • Number of Delegated Tokens: ~250,700,000 LIKE
  • Number of Migrated Tokens: 320,280,052.86 LIKE

Last week:

  • setup the repo for LikeCoin button SDK
  • research on Cosmos Game of Zones (articles, documents, code)

This week:

  • continue research on Game of Zones
  • investigate JavaScript module form for LikeCoin button SDK

@michaels (Developer)

Last week:

  • Closed old ES cluster and did backup the data
  • Wrote a cronjob to update user data to Intercom from ES log

This week:

  • Draft and write API for new stat report for Civic Liker and writer

William Chong (Full Stack Developer)

Last week:

  • submitted and published browser extension mvp on Firefox and Chrome
  • deployed LikeCoin button read event, there was a minor bug causing button error, already fixed
  • fixed some bugs on current Civic Liker key management system
  • made some real-time statistic badges

This week:

  • drafting LIKE pay function and library user flow
  • will write developer document this week
  • will try to mvp LIKE pay library (edited)

@nwingt (Front End Developer)

Last week:

  • Completed the new `/civic` page
  • Flipped the AB test variants of the old of /civic page, the results of 1200 sessions are flipped as expected
  • Implemented following settings
  • Submitted pull request to add styling and adjust the DOM structure

This week:

  • Will setup A/B test for the new /civic page
  • Cleaning up the code of the following settings in the app for PR
  • Will begin to implement the payment deep link in the app

Edmond Yu (Operations)


  • Liker registration in the past 14 days, the blue line is the moving average. After the significant uprise on Feb 3, the trend gradually drops to steady, and stay at daily 260 registration level. When comparing with the data before Feb 3, daily registration number increases by around 100.
  • Civic Liker number increases slowly to 1104 this week
  • Liker Land iOS download: last 7d 109 units, lifetime 1760
  • Liker Land Android download: last 7d 77 units, lifetime 1390
  • The moving average value of daily active Likers: 974
  • [Conclusion] Up till now, the overall performance of Feb is somehow better than January, and even better than December except Civic Liker growth rate.

Last week

  • Moving the cooled-down customer database from Intercom to Mailchimp. There are 41082 contacts in the list. The contacts in Intercom have been shrunk from ~60K to ~40K.
  • Have reduced the frequency of welcome newsletter and regular newsletters, instead, reached an understanding with media platform such as Matters to deliver some of our contents in their welcome letters
  • Have been updating gitbook. Around 60% of content has been set up for the Chinese user-guide
  • Resumed Facebook AD. It was found that Facebook banned link in all ADs including boosted post.

Coming week

  • Gitbook update. Target to finish the user guide this week, and look for volunteers to translate the English content
  • Start to send the 1st newsletter on mailchimp
  • Continue to consolidate the current email campaign
  • Work on improving Civic Liker funnel and onboard experience

@Joshkiu (UX Designer)

Last week

  • Completed UI design for Liker Land plugin
  • Completed design for relocation of follow/unfollow setting to Liker Land app

This week

  • Will finalize state UX/UI design
  • Will design handling on Liker Land app, if Likers reach the bookmark limit

@阿魯德克 (System Architect)

Last week

  • ISCN-Cosmos-IPLD PoC done
  • Quick research on GraphQL: it can serve as a query layer of ISCN, will have a further study after ISCN is built in the LikeCoin chain

This week

  • Tidy up and review the ISCN-Cosmos-IPLD PoC
  • Draft an article about the PoC

Relevant repositories

高重建 | kin ko (Product Manager)

  • attended an event in Taipei to discuss blockchain x media
  • preparing for the interview of Google News Initiative
  • preparing for the submission of Creative Commons Global Summit topic on Liker Land
  • organizing contacts for LikeCoin Newsletter
  • in discussion with Vocus for a deeper integration
  • got the 2018 audit finalized and signed
  • published Radical Management II to discuss the management rationale of LikeCoin team:



Hadesophic 數字妹
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

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