LikeCoin Weekly Progress Update 2020.07.27

Max validators of LikeCoin chain increased from 10 to 25


Chung (Blockchain developer)

LikeCoin chain statistics

(Difference from 2020.07.20)

Last week

  • Upgrade Cosmos SDK
  • Setup basic chain software with new version of Cosmos SDK
  • Migration of old chain exported data

This week

  • Migration of old chain exported data
  • Migrate custom modules

William (Full Stack Developer)

Last week

  • Help fix super like issue
  • Add personal title and og to app referral link
  • Improve LikeCoin button URL crawler function performance and reduce run duration
  • Reduce cost on GCP by reduce logging, merging k8s clusters, and changing instances to e2
  • Reduce cost on AWS by clean up elasticsearch data and setting IMS for rotating filebeat logs

This week

  • Start work on WordPress plugin matters support
  • Work on super like schedule tool for writers and media platforms

David Ng (Frontend Developer)

Last Week

  • LikeCoin button
  • Fixed issues for the new UI and Super Like feature
  • Liker Land app
  • Fixed issues for the closed beta test of Super Like

This Week

  • LikeCoin button
  • Fix Super Like cooldown animation
  • Fix auto like after clicked Save or Follow when not signed in
  • Liker Land app
  • Slotted Super Like feed
  • New Super Like feed (List view)

Edmond (Operations & Marketing)


  • Total app download (last 7d): 182 (+36%),Android users dominated (61.5%)
  • Civic Liker: 10 new registrations, total number 1811, dropped.

Last week

  • Testing and Feedback Super Like feature
  • Recruit Liker Land focus group
  • Launch a Google Ad
  • Translated Chinese version of half-year review
  • Social Media (executed by community helper Daisy)
  • Facebook engagement Rate this week remained 4% while page reach was 2463, more than double of previous week.
  • It was due to the CLS paid post, 17.3K paid reach, however the engagement rate of this post was not very high, only 3%
  • Updating LikeCoin Gitbook Chinese version, filling in the missing sections e.g. LikeCoin chain. Target to finish updating Chinese mid of the week and start translating English.

This week

  • Super Like Story telling
  • Civic Liker retention campaign

Phoebe (Community & Business Development)

  • Applied for gov FAST program subsidy on hiring talent
  • Organized and sent 2020 half-year report
  • Wrapping up SIE funding

Joshkiu (UX Designer)

Last week

  • Discussed with team on the roll out of Super Like Beta
  • Completed major UI for reading list on the Liker Land app

This week

  • Will optimize the reading list design and complement pop-up and details
  • Will test and review the Super Like feature

ckxpress (Civic Liker)

On Governance

  • Proposal #3 has passed on 2020.07.26 with 79.75% of online voting power voted, all Yes.
  • Shall start to invite new validators such as Cofacts and Blocktrend to join.
  • Shall call monthly community governance meeting on 2020.08.03.

On evangelism and others

  • Admitted by and shall present LikeCoin at Cuscup on 2020.08.01



kin ko | ckxpress
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Earthling. Founder of @likecoin & DHK dao. Writer at . Published “The Sociology of Blockchain, reimagining money, media and democracy.”.