LikeCoin Weekly Progress Update 2020.09.28

Liker Land 0.19.1 released with various improvements


Edmond (Operations & Marketing)

Statistics‌ and Insights

  • New app download: 400 (-13%), app WAU: 1,166 (-6%), Likers who liked in app: 104 (-6%), number of Content Jockeys: 249(+13.6%)
  • Civic Liker total: 1869, 16 new registration last week.
  • 29 users tried the follow features on 24/9 in a promotion campaign.

Last week

  • Compose an article and a video demo for LikeCoin WordPress plugin (Matters publishing feature)
  • Run a campaign for App follow feature, aim to establish social graph for early users and introduce the follow feature. It seems that user cannot discover this feature easily.
  • Social media (executed by community helper Daisy): Facebook post reach last week was 527 and engagement rate was 4%. The validator analysis post ranked the highest engagement rate of 7%, Ghibli cartoon post got the highest post reach of 775 but engagement rate was just 4%. Organized the Facebook group game “Follow Content Jockey” on 9/24, 75 participants with 74 valid entries, 100 LikeCoin rewards were sent to each participant.

This week

  • Another campaign about Content Jockey
  • Roll out a new promotion ad by Madkids
  • Finding insights from statistics

Chung (Blockchain developer)

LikeCoin chain statistics‌

(Difference from 2020.09.21)

Last week

  • Working on ISCN module and IPFS
  • LikeCoin chain code migration referring to Cosmos Stargate testnet

This week‌

  • Continue LikeCoin chain code migration

William (Full Stack Developer)‌

Last week

  • Update some feature to improve usability of Super Like scheduler
  • Debug a few issues for classic editor on WordPress plugin, added original link footer feature.
  • Wrote a sharing on Typescript + Firebase + Nuxt.js
  • Fixed some bugs in our fork of Authcore react-native lib

This week

  • Review phone/email verification flow after Authcore verification webhook is ready
  • Work on cron job related to email campaign and Super Like/Follower statistics
  • Work on features related to App on board.

​​​David Ng (Frontend Developer)‌

Last Week

  • Released new app version (0.19.1), enables following referrer through referral link and includes other bug fixes
  • Updated reader UI
  • Added Super Like deep link support for the app (to be included in next update)

This Week

  • Relocate and update the get-app page to
  • Develop reading list archive feature for the app

JoshKIU (UX Designer)

Last week

  • Updated icons on the app navigation bar
  • Came up with a direction for improvement of onboarding experience
  • Participated in the discussion of Civic Liker mechanism improvement

This week‌

  • Further develop the ideas of Civic Liker mechanism improvement and will be discussed on the quarterly meeting

Phoebe (Community & Business Development)‌

  • Applied to Facebook Grant
  • Submitted to YCombinator Winter 2021 application
  • Continue interviewing candidates to fill the junior developer position
  • Published Liker Land Demo

‌ckxpress (Civic Liker)

On Governance

  • Proposal #4, which targets to enable direct democracy, has entered voting period. One more week to go. Meanwhile, GLOxUDomain, Nicholas, Leafwind, yasu, representing 20.03% of voting power, have voted, all yes.
  • Another new validator coming this week
  • Oct community call next week on Oct 5

On evangelism and others

  • Rewriting Chinese version
  • Evaluating Civic Liker mechanics



Earthling. Founder of @likecoin & DHK dao. Writer at . Published “The Sociology of Blockchain, reimagining money, media and democracy.”.