LikeCoin will be publicly listed on Tidebit as LIKE


We are delighted to announce that LikeCoin will be listed on Tidebit on June as LIKE.

As most of you know, Tidebit is a professional crypto exchange with head quarter in Hong Kong and a world wide operation. Tidebit supports fiat currency such as USD and HKD, and provides an easy to use UI and smooth UX for trading with convenience.

Do register an account in now.

LikeCoin token sale sale 144% target met, join when you still can —

我們高興地宣佈,LikeCoin 將在六月上架 Tidebit 公開交易,代號為 LIKE

如大部分人所知,Tidebit 是一家專業的加密貨幣交易所,以香港為總部,支援全球用戶。Tidebit 支持如美元、港元等法定貨幣,提供簡單易用的介面,讓你輕鬆交易。

馬上到 註冊個帳號吧。

LikeCoin 代幣銷售目標已達 144%,趁還有機會,萬勿錯過 —



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LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Earthling. Founder of @likecoin & DHK dao. Writer at . Published “The Sociology of Blockchain, reimagining money, media and democracy.”.