!!! SCAM !!!

!!! SCAM alert !!! Beware of fake LikeCoin

Fake email, fake Medium user and Medium post


1. A fake email from info@likecoin.co was sent to unknown number of people, asking them to transfer ETH to a wallet to participate in LikeCoin token sale. Note that we did NOT and will NEVER ask supporters to transfer ETH to a random wallet address. The official website of LikeCoin is https://like.co and the official way to buy LikeCoin is on https://like.co/in/tokensale

2. A fake `Kin ko` appeared on Medium yesterday with the username Likecoin, and copied my article regarding early bird on March 22, asking users to transfer ETH to them. To avoid bringing traffics to the scammer we won’t include the link here. Instead, please note that the official LikeCoin Medium publication is: https://medium.com/likecoin (there is no ‘@’)

Official LikeCoin Internet presences



kin ko | ckxpress
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Earthling. Founder of @likecoin & DHK dao. Writer at ckxpress.com . Published “The Sociology of Blockchain, reimagining money, media and democracy.”.