Web3Press — Fly WordPress users to Web3

LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
4 min readFeb 8, 2023

Web3Press publishes your posts to the blockchain, enabling you to write as usual but publish differently. Previously named the LikeCoin WordPress plugin, it rebrands to Web3Press to move on more specifically. The plugin can bridge the gap between all websites built on WordPress, which dominates 43.1% of all websites, and the Web3 world.

Web3 represents a groundbreaking paradigm shift for the internet. Over the past few decades, the internet has gradually decentralized. During Web1, information flowed in a one-way broadcast, and during Web2, users generated information. With Web3, the fundamental concept of ownership extends to every piece of data. In keeping with the WordPress vision of “Democratize Publishing“, Web3Press takes it one step further by championing the freedom to own your data. And yes, it’s free, as in freedom.

What to do with Web3Press

Web3Press offers a novel approach to conducting business, particularly with open content. No longer must content creators rely on paywalls or advertisements. It’s a breath of fresh air, especially for creators who dislike locking up their content for revenue.

Web3Press is based on LikeCoin, an application-specific blockchain that the community and infrastructure focus on the creator’s economy.

With Web3Press, you can:

Sell your posts

“Content is king”, and your ideas are the crown jewels that keep readers returning for more. By leveraging Web3Press to transform your posts into NFTs, you can transform your ideas into valuable, saleable products. Let your readers show their appreciation for your craft by putting their money where their mouth is and supporting you by purchasing your posts. It’s a win-win for both you and your readers to monetize your content while delivering your readers the content they crave.

Be proud of your works

Wear your accomplishments like a badge of honor. As the saying goes, “You are what you read.” So display your NFT portfolio confidently and let it be a feather in your cap. Gather the unique and priceless pieces into your wallet like a magpie collects shiny objects.

Build Community

You know who has bought your NFTs with on-chain data. You can connect with your fans by sending NFT gifts with warm greetings is not only possible but convenient. Conditional offers can be made according to the open data on-chain.

Preserve Content

Register metadata (ISCN) on the LikeCoin chain, store content on the decentralized file system (IPFS and Arweave), and backup on Internet Archive, all in one plugin.

How to use

Prerequisites: To publish articles to the blockchain, you must install Keplr wallet and have some LikeCoin in the wallet.

  • Install Keplr: Keplr is a crypto wallet for the Cosmos ecosystem. You will need to install the Keplr Chrome extension to use the plugin. Check out this video about how to install Keplr. It is free.

Install Keplr Chrome Extension

  • Get some LikeCoin: you will need a small amount of LikeCoin for the network fee. You can get some free LikeCoin from the faucet. You can also buy more LikeCoin from the decentralized exchange — Osmosis. Here is the tutorial on how to buy LikeCoin from Osmosis.

After you have installed Keplr and got some LikeCoin in your wallet, the rest is simple:

  • Install the Web3Press plugin to your WordPress.
  • At the sidebar of any of your posts, click the “Clap Hands” button at the upper right corner of the screen. Click the Publish button; a pop-up will show up. Follow the instruction on the screen.
  • Several pop-up windows will be triggered by Keplr wallet during the process. Don’t worry; click approve and let the system pass. The approval is to grant the right to Keplr to spend LikeCoin for minting NFTs.

Please refer to the following tutorial video for details.


