Cooperation with Software Studio from Scratch — Experts Zone Talks #8 |

Katarzyna Ceran
Liki Blog
Published in
Oct 1, 2021

How does the cooperation with a software house look like? How to prepare for a consultation? How to choose the right partner to collaborate with? If you’ve ever wondered what to expect once you cross the threshold of a software studio, our CTO, Krzysztof Wyrzykowski, will dispel your doubts.

Read more at Frontend House.

What will you learn about?

  • What does cooperation with software studio look like?
  • How to prepare for consultation?
  • I have an idea: what is next?
  • Discovery workshop — what is that and how does it work?
  • What is the dream project for a software studio?
  • How to choose a software studio to cooperate with?

