Let’s play. Gaming in Human Resources processes

Katarzyna Ceran
Liki Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2020

Recruitment process… Sounds boring? Maybe, but you can change it! Prepare for gamification — Liki’s surprising solution for the hiring process.

Game development as the result of an internship

How to engage interns and check their strengths? Making them a part of a team and assigning to a commercial project from day one. That’s what Liki is doing during each internship under the Młodzi w Łodzi program (cooperation between local employers and higher education schools). We believe that internship gives a chance for development and an opportunity to gain commercial experience — so desired in business. Moreover, thanks to the result-driven internships we can find new talents.

We created a five-member team (three interns and two Liki developers), which was a perfect example of agile software development best practices. Interns could get to know how communication and project management look like. You can say that we trained our future employees because 2 out of 3 interns were hired later.

Our month’s work result was the Bugs Defence game.

Bugs Defence Game by Liki

What game could we make? As a software development house, we created a tower defence game, where developers were code defenders. Huzzah, right? The defence is all about answering development questions — every good answer destroys bugs before they reach Deadline. If you are interested in developing, check your front end knowledge.

Gamification as a recruitment method — a win-win situation

Okay, we made a game, so we knew the potential of interns and gave them a satisfying task that is worth praising. But… it wasn’t the only purpose of the project. We created a tool — a game — that can be useful in the hiring process.

First of all, a recruiter can easily check and verify the candidate’s knowledge thanks to built-in questions and a final score. If the candidate will answer properly at least for junior-level questions it’s a good reason to invite him to the further recruitment stage. Game mechanisms unify and speed up HR tasks.

Secondly, we have a candidate who will be probably surprised that he has to play a game during a job interview. This element of surprise brings some fun to the recruitment and reduces stress.

Further, this candidate-friendly approach has a huge impact on employer branding. We have a situation where gamification is a win-win solution both for the recruiter and the candidate.

Boost your recruitment process

Doesn’t a customized recruitment game sound sexy?

We are willing to create a dedicated game for any industry. Based on our experience, you will get an unconventional but still a very effective tool to present yourself as a top player on the recruitment market.

Read more at Liki Blog

