What’s New in React 18 and More News from Frontend World — Frontend News #12 | frontendhouse.com

Olga Vasylenko
Liki Blog
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2021

Watch the Frontend News #12 — the podcast about tech and front end innovations with our hosts — Chris and Tommy K. Looking for a team for your project? Ask us for free consultation on https://frontendhouse.com.

In the 12th episode fo Frontend News:

  • King with new crown — React 18 React 18 — JavaScript library for building user interfaces — announced new releases
  • Stack Overflow sold! Stack Overflow is a Q&A platform for software developers and people who need coding skills.
  • Aurora project. The next topic in Frontend News #12 is the result of collaboration between Chrome and open-source tools and frameworks — Aurora
  • WebExtensions Community Group
  • Safari 15 Beta Release Check the new Safari Technology Preview 126 release with Safari 15 Features.
  • Strapi v4 Strapi is the open-source fully customizable headless CMS based on JavaScript.
  • How to measure CPU use in a browser? Compute Pressure is a new API that allows web apps to gain insights into CPU utilization.

Visit Frontend House website to watch the episode: https://frontendhouse.com/frontend-news/what's-new-in-react-18-and-more-news-from-frontend-world-frontend-news-12.

