What’s new in the front end? New libraries releases — Frontend News #2 | frontendhouse.com

Olga Vasylenko
Liki Blog
Published in
Sep 29, 2021

Watch the second episode of Frontend News — the podcast about tech and front end innovations. Every 2nd week we will deliver a portion of fresh insights and news.

Read more at Frontend House. In 2nd Frontend News:

  • Upcoming ES2021 release
  • TypeScript 4.2 Beta
  • DevTools for Chrome 89
  • Node.js 15.6 and npm 7.4.2 arrived
  • Upcoming frontend conferences 2021: Nodejs congress, VueJS AmsterdamJS World Conference, React Summit
  • Curated project of the week
  • Tips and Tricks: compress.js library

If you are interested, watch the podcast on YouTube or here: https://frontendhouse.com/frontend-news/whats-new-in-the-front-end-new-libraries-releases

