Benefits of Using Voice AI in the Automotive Industry

Bhawna Valecha
Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2022

The automobile industry has been at the forefront of incorporating cutting-edge technologies into cars for the benefit of drivers and customers. Customers have long preferred interactive technologies in automobiles.

Vehicles are frequently sold based on their specifications, after-sales services, brand perception, and salesman abilities. Customer satisfaction is important in this scenario, both before and after the sale.

You can’t afford to take any chances when your customers are highly tech-savvy. Before making a purchase, he will compare the features of various cars, the after-sales support of various brands, and various other factors.

The automobile business is rapidly developing, and an increasing number of vehicles are being equipped with speech AI. And it’s not just the simplicity of asking your car for directions or playing music from your phone — these smart assistants have a slew of others.

What is Voice AI?

“Voice-enabled Artificial Intelligence,” as the name suggests, uses voice. Instead of typing out answers to queries and commands, the computer program responds to voice commands. It’s not particularly prevalent currently, but as more people use smartphones and other gadgets with microphones, it’s growing in popularity.

Did you know that Voice AI is displacing human communication across a range of big and small sectors in the age of artificial intelligence (AI)? Customers may engage with your applications, websites, and devices using voice, text, touch, or gestures, and you can utilise voice AI in your business to provide them with solutions and services.

We Are Social estimates that 45% of internet users only used voice search in 2020. Even before voice assistants became widely utilised, the auto industry recognised speech AI as a way to provide safer, smarter, more natural, and — most importantly — hands-free in-car experiences.

The advantage of adopting voice artificial intelligence is that it responds to client inquiries considerably more quickly and accurately than a human would with a delayed response time. Your clients gain from this, and their satisfaction levels rise.

Ways to Use Voice AI in the Automotive Industry

Voice assistants were utilized by around 127 million Americans in 2021 (49% of the adult population in the country), according to a recent estimate by Speech AI is being used by automakers to create driving experiences that go beyond simple commuting and are filled with essential connectivity and safety features.

Your automobile could become a smart, connected machine thanks to voice AI. You can operate your automobile with speech commands thanks to voice AI, which uses the most recent technologies. The fact that you can use it on any gadget, whether your phone, computer, or tablet, is its best feature.

  1. Customer Experience using Voice AI:-

For a variety of reasons, voice AI can serve to enhance the customer experience. For instance, allowing clients to self-serve can cut wait times. You may use voice AI to rapidly get answers to your inquiries and receive assistance with chores like booking a trip or checking into a hotel without having to wait on hold for an agent or write an email.

Voice AI is particularly advantageous because it enables businesses to educate clients about goods or services they might not be aware they need, like suggestions for routine auto maintenance that could end up saving them money over time. Additionally, speech AI will offer customer support by responding to typical inquiries like “how do I discover”

2. Smart assistants offer round-the-clock support: -

The ideal helper for your company is voice AI. It is more effective than human helpers, can perform a variety of jobs, and is constantly available.

In fact, voice AI is so effective that it may offer your clients round-the-clock support!

3. Voice AI facilitates blind driving: -

When discussing AI and the future of driving, we frequently concentrate on the ways that the technology will allow us to remove our hands from the wheel, but what about people who are physically unable to do so?

People who are blind or visually impaired will find it easier than ever to drive independently thanks to voice AI since they won’t require any visual clues to do so efficiently!

4. Voice Technology is User-friendly:-

It’s no secret that voice technology is the most intuitive, easy-to-learn, and natural way of communicating with machines. It also allows people to use their own language instead of having to memorize commands or instructions beforehand.

The fact that users can start using voice AI as soon as it’s installed makes it an ideal choice for the automobile industry since more than 90% of drivers are willing to adopt new technologies if they find them intuitive and easy to use.


  1. Why artificial intelligence in cars is a good idea?

Also, artificial intelligence in-car systems is a perfect tool for more than making machines smarter, it also predicts their failures and malfunctions. Considering the cost of delays from automotive plants, risk management combined with AI algorithms is worth the money.

2. What is AI in the automobile industry?

AI in car manufacturing the use of artificial intelligence in vehicles, along with its applications, helps OEMs cut manufacturing costs while ensuring safer and more innovative vehicle production.

3. Why artificial intelligence (AI) is the future of productivity?

The features of Artificial Intelligence like machine learning and deep learning will generate higher productivity.

