Week 2 -Delving deeper…

Ysf 021
Limalia Yousouf UX2 Blog
Mar 29, 2021

Continuing from where we left off, week 2 engaged me in storyboarding. I was tasked to create a rough concept of what the final could be. This is also when the pandemic started hitting us hard, and we had to go in an island lockdown situation. With the shortage of tools, I could not lay my hands on sticky notes and instead drew my storyboard on…..regular paper :P

Sticky ‘Not-s’

Also below is my storyboard concept of 3 main screens, mainly how users are going to navigate through hotels and roommates and find their perfect match!

The Storyboard

After analysing what seemed good and bad, I then proceeded to the next step, prototyping! Do have a look at week 3 to learn more. ^^

